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Configuration parameter management

For details about individual configuration parameters grouped by category, see Configuration Parameters.

Vertica supports a wide variety of configuration parameters that affect many facets of database behavior. These parameters can be set with the appropriate ALTER statements at one or more levels, listed here in descending order of precedence:

  1. User (ALTER USER)

  2. Session (ALTER SESSION)

  3. Node (ALTER NODE)

  4. Database (ALTER DATABASE)

Not all parameters can be set at all levels. Consult the documentation of individual parameters for restrictions.

You can query the CONFIGURATION_PARAMETERS system table to obtain the current settings for all user-accessible parameters. For example, the following query returns settings for partitioning parameters: their current and default values, which levels they can be set at, and whether changes require a database restart to take effect:

=> SELECT parameter_name, current_value, default_value, allowed_levels, change_requires_restart
      FROM configuration_parameters  WHERE parameter_name ILIKE '%partitioncount%';
    parameter_name    | current_value | default_value | allowed_levels | change_requires_restart
 MaxPartitionCount    | 1024          | 1024          | NODE, DATABASE | f
 ActivePartitionCount | 1             | 1             | NODE, DATABASE | f
(2 rows)

For details about individual configuration parameters grouped by category, see Configuration parameters.

Setting and clearing configuration parameters

You change specific configuration parameters with the appropriate ALTER statements; the same statements also let you reset configuration parameters to their default values. For example, the following ALTER statements change ActivePartitionCount at the database level from 1 to 2 , and DisablePartitionCount at the session level from 0 to 1:

=> ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT SET ActivePartitionCount = 2;
=> ALTER SESSION SET DisableAutopartition = 1;
=> SELECT parameter_name, current_value, default_value FROM configuration_parameters
      WHERE parameter_name IN ('ActivePartitionCount', 'DisableAutopartition');
    parameter_name    | current_value | default_value
 ActivePartitionCount | 2             | 1
 DisableAutopartition | 1             | 0
(2 rows)

You can later reset the same configuration parameters to their default values:

=> ALTER SESSION CLEAR DisableAutopartition;
=> SELECT parameter_name, current_value, default_value FROM configuration_parameters
      WHERE parameter_name IN ('ActivePartitionCount', 'DisableAutopartition');
    parameter_name    | current_value | default_value
 DisableAutopartition | 0             | 0
 ActivePartitionCount | 1             | 1
(2 rows)

1 - Viewing configuration parameter values

You can view active configuration parameter values in two ways:.

You can view active configuration parameter values in two ways:

SHOW statements

Use the following SHOW statements to view active configuration parameters:

  • SHOW CURRENT: Returns settings of active configuration parameter values. Vertica checks settings at all levels, in the following ascending order of precedence:

    • session

    • node

    • database

    If no values are set at any scope, SHOW CURRENT returns the parameter's default value.

  • SHOW DATABASE: Displays configuration parameter values set for the database.

  • SHOW USER: Displays configuration parameters set for the specified user, and for all users.

  • SHOW SESSION: Displays configuration parameter values set for the current session.

  • SHOW NODE: Displays configuration parameter values set for a node.

If a configuration parameter requires a restart to take effect, the values in a SHOW CURRENT statement might differ from values in other SHOW statements. To see which parameters require restart, query the CONFIGURATION_PARAMETERS system table.

System tables

You can query several system tables for configuration parameters: