Disabling mergeout on specific tables

By default, mergeout is enabled for all tables and their projections.

By default, mergeout is enabled for all tables and their projections. You can disable mergeout on a table with ALTER TABLE. For example:

=> ALTER TABLE public.store_orders_temp SET MERGEOUT 0;

In general, it is useful to disable mergeout on tables that you create to serve a temporary purpose—for example, staging tables that are used to archive old partition data, or swap partitions between tables—which are deleted soon after the task is complete. By doing so, you avoid the mergeout-related overhead that the table would otherwise incur.

You can query system table TABLES to identify tables that have mergeout disabled:

=> SELECT table_schema, table_name, is_mergeout_enabled FROM v_catalog.tables WHERE is_mergeout_enabled= 0;
 table_schema |    table_name     | is_mergeout_enabled
 public       | store_orders_temp | f
(1 row)