Live aggregate projection

Stores the grouped results of queries that invoke aggregate functions (such as SUM) on table columns.

Stores the grouped results of queries that invoke aggregate functions (such as SUM) on table columns. For details, see Live aggregate projections.


CREATE PROJECTION [ IF NOT EXISTS ] [[database.]schema.]projection
[ (
   { projection-column | grouped-clause
   [ ENCODING encoding-type ]
   [ ACCESSRANK integer ] }[,...]
) ]
AS SELECT { table-column | expr-with-table-columns }[,...] FROM [[database.]schema.]table [ [AS] alias]
   GROUP BY column-expr
   [ KSAFE [ k-num ] ]



If an object with the same name exists, do not create it and proceed. If you omit this option and the object exists, Vertica generates a ROLLBACK error message. In both cases, the object is not created if it already exists.

The IF NOT EXISTS clause is useful for SQL scripts where you want to create an object if it does not already exist.

For related information, see ON_ERROR_STOP.


Specifies the schema for this projection and its anchor table, where schema must be the same for both. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.


Identifies the projection to create, where projection conforms to conventions described in Identifiers. It must also be unique among all names of sequences, tables, projections, views, and models within the same schema.


The name of a projection column. The list of projection columns must match the SELECT list columns and expressions in number, type, and sequence.

If projection column names are omitted, Vertica uses the anchor table column names specified in the SELECT list.

See GROUPED clause.
ENCODING encoding-type

The column encoding type, by default set to AUTO.


Overrides the default access rank for a column. Use this parameter to increase or decrease the speed at which Vertica accesses a column. For more information, see Overriding Default Column Ranking.


Specifies the table data to query:

{table-column | expr-with-table-columns } [ [AS] alias] }[,...]

You can optionally assign an alias to each column expression and reference that alias elsewhere in the SELECT statement.

GROUP BY column-expr[,...]
One or more column expressions from the SELECT list. The first column-expr must be the first column expression in the SELECT list, the second column-expr must be the second column expression in the SELECT list, and so on.



  • Anchor table owner

  • CREATE privilege on the schema

Requirements and restrictions

Vertica does not regard live aggregate projections as superprojections, even those that include all table columns. For other requirements and restrictions, see Creating live aggregate projections.


See Live aggregate projection example.