CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS COPY creates a table definition for data external to your Vertica database.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS COPY creates a table definition for data external to your Vertica database. This statement is a combination of the CREATE TABLE and COPY statements, supporting a subset of each statement's parameters.

Canceling a CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS COPY statement can cause unpredictable results. If you need to make a change, allow the statement to complete, drop the table, and then retry.

You can use ALTER TABLE to change the data types of columns instead of dropping and recreating the table.

You can use CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS COPY with any types except types from the Place package.

Vertica also supports external tables backed by Iceberg data. See CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ICEBERG.


CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] [[database.]schema.]table-name 
    ( column-definition[,...] )
    [ ( { column-as-expression | column }
       [ DELIMITER [ AS ] 'char' ]
       [ ENCLOSED [ BY ] 'char' ]
       [ ESCAPE [ AS ] 'char' | NO ESCAPE ]
       [ FILLER datatype ]
       [ FORMAT 'format' ]
       [ NULL [ AS ] 'string' ]
       [ TRIM 'byte' ]
    [,...] ) ]
    [ COLUMN OPTION ( column 
       [ DELIMITER [ AS ] 'char' ]
       [ ENCLOSED [ BY ] 'char' ]
       [ ESCAPE [ AS ] 'char' | NO ESCAPE ]
       [ FORMAT 'format' ]
       [ NULL [ AS ] 'string' ]
       [ TRIM 'byte' ]
    [,...] ) ]

   { 'path-to-data'
       [ ON { nodename | (nodeset) | ANY NODE | EACH NODE } ] [ compression ] }[,...]
     [ PARTITION COLUMNS column[,...] ]
   | LOCAL 'path-to-data' [ compression ] [,...]
   | VERTICA source-database.[source-schema.]source-table[( source-column[,...] ) ]
      [ NATIVE
        | FIXEDWIDTH COLSIZES {( integer )[,...]}
        | ORC
        | PARQUET
   [ DELIMITER [ AS ] 'char' ]
   [ ENCLOSED [ BY ] 'char' ]
   [ ESCAPE AS 'char' | NO ESCAPE ]
   [ EXCEPTIONS 'path' [ ON nodename ] [,...] ]
   [ [ WITH ] FILTER filter( [ arg=value[,...] ] ) ]
   [ NULL [ AS ] 'string' ]
   [ [ WITH ] PARSER parser([arg=value [,...] ]) ]
   [ RECORD TERMINATOR 'string' ]
   [ REJECTED DATA 'path' [ ON nodename ] [,...] ]
   [ REJECTMAX integer ]
   [ SKIP integer ]
   [ SKIP BYTES integer ]
   [ TRIM 'byte' ]


For all supported parameters, see the CREATE TABLE and COPY statements. For information on using this statement with UDLs, see User-defined load (UDL).

For additional guidance on using COPY parameters, see Specifying where to load data from.


Superuser, or non-superuser with the following privileges:

  • READ privileges on the USER-accessible storage location. See GRANT (storage location)

  • Full access (including SELECT) to an external table that the user has privileges to create

Partitioned data

Data can be partitioned using its directory structure and Vertica can take advantage of that partitioning to improve query performance for external tables. For details, seePartitioned file paths.

If you see unexpected results when reading data, verify that globs in your file paths correctly align with the partition structure. See Troubleshooting external tables.

ORC and Parquet data

When using the ORC and Parquet formats, Vertica supports some additional options in the COPY statement and data structures for columns. See ORC and PARQUET.


The following example defines an external table for delimited data stored in HDFS:

=> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE sales (itemID INT, date DATE, price FLOAT)
    AS COPY FROM 'hdfs:///data/ext1.csv' DELIMITER ',';

The following example uses data in the ORC format that is stored in S3. The data has two partition columns. For more information about partitions, see Partitioned file paths.

=> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE records (id int, name varchar(50), created date, region varchar(50))
   AS COPY FROM 's3://datalake/sales/*/*/*'
   PARTITION COLUMNS created, region;

The following example shows how you can read from all Parquet files in a local directory, with no partitions and no globs:

=> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE sales (itemID INT, date DATE, price FLOAT)
    AS COPY FROM '/data/sales/*.parquet' PARQUET;

The following example creates an external table for data containing arrays:

=> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE cust (cust_custkey int,
        cust_custname varchar(50),
        cust_custstaddress ARRAY[varchar(100)],
        cust_custaddressln2 ARRAY[varchar(100)],
        cust_custcity ARRAY[varchar(50)],
        cust_custstate ARRAY[char(2)],
        cust_custzip ARRAY[int],
        cust_email varchar(50), cust_phone varchar(30))
   AS COPY FROM 'webhdfs://data/*.parquet' PARQUET;

To allow users without superuser access to use external tables with data on the local file system, S3, or GCS, create a location for 'user' usage and grant access to it. This example shows granting access to a user named Bob to any external table whose data is located under /tmp (including in subdirectories to any depth):

=> GRANT ALL ON LOCATION '/tmp' to Bob;

The following example shows CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE using a user-defined source:

=> CREATE SOURCE curl AS LANGUAGE 'C++' NAME 'CurlSourceFactory' LIBRARY curllib;
=> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE curl_table1 as COPY SOURCE CurlSourceFactory;

See also

Creating external tables