Helm chart parameters

The following table describes the available settings for the VerticaDB operator and admission controller Helm chart.

The following table describes the available settings for the VerticaDB operator and admission controller Helm chart.

Parameter Description

The name of the image that runs the operator.

Default: vertica/verticadb-operator:version

imagePullSecrets A list of Secrets that store credentials to authenticate to the private container repository specified by image.repo and rbac_proxy_image. For details, see Specifying ImagePullSecrets in the Kubernetes documentation.

The server that hosts the repository that contains image.name. Use this parameter for deployments that require control over a private hosting server, such as an air-gapped operator.

Use this parameter with rbac_proxy_image.name and rbac_proxy_image.repo.

Default: Null


The path to a log file in the VerticaDB operator filesystem. If this value is not specified, Vertica writes logs to standard output.

Default: Empty string (' ') that indicates standard output.


Minimum logging level. This parameter accepts the following values:

  • debug

  • info

  • warn

  • error

Default: info


When logging.filePath is set, the maximum size in MB of the logging file before log rotation occurs.

Default: 500


When logging.filePath is set, the maximum age in days of the logging file before log rotation deletes the file.

Default: 7


When logging.filePath is set, the maximum number of files that are kept in rotation before the old ones are removed.

Default: 3


Configures the operator's /metrics endpoint for the Prometheus integration. The following options are valid:

  • EnableWithAuthProxy: Creates a new service object that exposes an HTTPS /metrics endpoint. The RBAC proxy controls access to the metrics.

  • EnableWithoutAuth: Creates a new service object that exposes an HTTP /metrics endpoint that does not authorize connections. Any client with network access can read the metrics.

  • Disable: Prometheus metrics are not exposed.

Default: EnableWithAuthProxy


The name of the Kubernetes RBAC proxy image that performs authorization. Use this parameter for deployments that require authorization by a proxy server, such as an air-gapped operator.

Use this parameter with image.repo and rbac_proxy_image.repo.

Default: kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy:v0.11.0


The server that hosts the repository that contains rbac_proxy_image.name. Use this parameter for deployments that perform authorization by a proxy server, such as an air-gapped operator.

Use this parameter with image.repo and rbac_proxy_image.name.

Default: gcr.io


Service account that identifies any pods in the cluster for apiserver access. A cluster administrator can create a service account that grants the privileges required to install the operator so that users without cluster administrator privileges can install the Helm chart.

To correctly control access, the service account's Roles and RoleBindings must exist before you add the service account to the CR. If these are not set, the Vertica Helm chart creates and uses a service account.

Default: Empty string ("")

webhook.caBundle A PEM-encoded certificate authority (CA) bundle that validates the webhook's server certificate. If this is not set, the webhook uses the system trust roots on the apiserver.

Determines if the Helm chart installs the admission controller webhooks for the VerticaDB custom resource and VerticaAutoscaler. If you do not have the privileges required to install the admission controller, set this value to false to deploy the operator only.

This parameter enables or disables both webhooks. You cannot enable one webhook and disable the other.

Default: true


Secret that contains the following keys for the webhook.caBundle:

  • tls.key

  • ca.crt

  • tls.crt

resources.limits and resources.requests

The resource requirements for the operator pod.

resources.limits is the maximum amount of CPU and memory that an operator pod can consume from its host node.

resources.requests is the maximum amount of CPU and memory that an operator pod can request from its host node.


    cpu: 100m
    memory: 750Mi
    cpu: 100m
    memory: 20Mi