Allowing the DBDUSER to run Database Designer using Management Console

To allow a user with the DBDUSER role to run Database Designer using Management Console, you must create the user on the Vertica server.

To allow a user with the DBDUSER role to run Database Designer using Management Console, you must create the user on the Vertica server.

As DBADMIN, take these steps on the server:

  1. Add a temporary folder to all cluster nodes.

    => CREATE LOCATION '/tmp/dbd' ALL NODES;
  2. Create the user who needs access to Database Designer.

    => CREATE USER new_user;
  3. Grant the user the privilege to create schemas on the database for which they want to create a design.

    => GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE new_database TO new_user;
  4. Grant the DBDUSER role to the new user.

    => GRANT DBDUSER TO new_user;
  5. On all nodes in the cluster, grant the user access to the temporary folder.

    => GRANT ALL ON LOCATION '/tmp/dbd' TO new_user;
  6. Grant the new user access to the database schema and its tables.

    => GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA user_schema TO new_user;
    => GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA user_schema TO new_user;

After you have completed this task, map the MC user to new_user:

  1. Log in to Management Console as an MC Super user.

  2. Click MC Settings.

  3. Click User Management.

  4. To create a new MC user, click Add.To use an existing MC user, select the user and click Edit.

  5. Next to the DB access level window, click Add.

  6. In the Add Permissions window, do the following:

    1. From the Choose a database drop-down list, select the database for which you want the user to be able to create a design.

    2. In the Database username field, enter the user name you created on the Vertica server, new_user in this example.

    3. In the Database password field, enter the database password.

    4. In the Restrict access drop-down list, select the level of MC user you want for this user.

  7. Click OK to save your changes.

  8. Log out of the MC Super user account.

The MC user is now mapped to the user that you created on the Vertica server. Log in as the MC user and use Database Designer to create an optimized design for your database.

For more information about MC users, see Users in Management Console.