
Saves global SecureData access configuration parameters for all users to a file in the Vertica Distributed File System (DFS).

Saves global SecureData access configuration parameters for all users to a file in the Vertica Distributed File System (DFS). This function stores the configuration file file named /voltagesecure/conf.global in the distributed file system (DFS). You must use this function to configure at least the SecureData policy URL before you can use any of the other Voltage SecureData integration functions.

To refresh the client policy, see VoltageSecureRefreshPolicy.


VoltageSecureConfigureGlobal(USING PARAMETERS policy_url=url
                              [, allow_short_fpe=Boolean]
                              [, allow_file_cache=Boolean]
                              [, network_timeout=Integer]
                            ) OVER ();


policy_url=url A string containing the URL of the SecureData policy file. The Vertica SecureData library uses the contents of this file, such as the formats that the SecureData Appliance supports. It also uses the URL of this file to determine the location of the SecureData Appliance.
allow_short_fpe=Boolean A Boolean value. When set to True, SecureData ignores the lower length limit for encoding FPE values. Usually, SecureData does not use FPE to encrypt data shorter than a lower limit (usually, 8 bits). See the SecureData Architecture Guide's section on Data Length Restrictions for more information.
enable_file_cache=Boolean A Boolean value. When set to True, Vertica caches the SecureData policy file and encryption keys to disk, rather than just to memory. Defaults to false.
network_timeout=Integer An Integer value. Configures the network timeout in seconds. Defaults to its maximum value of 300 seconds.


To set the policy URL to https://voltage-pp-0000.example.com/policy/clientPolicy.xml and set the network timeout to 200 seconds:

=> SELECT VoltageSecureConfigureGlobal(USING PARAMETERS
                                       OVER ();

                           policy_url                            | allow_short_fpe | enable_file_cache | network_timeout
 https://voltage-pp-0000.example.com/policy/clientPolicy.xml     |                 |                   | 200
(1 row)

To view the current policy:

=> SELECT VoltageSecureConfigureGlobal() OVER();
                           policy_url                            | allow_short_fpe | enable_file_cache | network_timeout
 https://voltage-pp-0000.example.com/policy/clientPolicy.xml     |                 |                   | 200
(1 row)

Manually refresh the client policy across the nodes:

=> SELECT VoltageSecureRefreshPolicy() OVER ();
Successfully refreshed policy on node [v_sandbox_node0001]. Policy on other nodes
will be refreshed the next time a Voltage operation is run on them.
(1 row)