GROUPED clause

Groups two or more columns into a single disk file.

Enterprise Mode only

Groups two or more columns into a single disk file. Doing so minimizes file I/O for the following tasks:

  • Read a large percentage of the columns in a table.

  • Perform single row look-ups.

  • Query against many small columns.

  • Frequently update data in these columns.

You can improve query performance by grouping columns that are always accessed together and are not used in predicates. Once columns are grouped, queries can no longer retrieve from disk records for one column independently of the others.

You can group columns in several ways:

  • Group some of the columns:

    (a, GROUPED(b, c), d)
  • Group all of the columns:

    (GROUPED(a, b, c, d))
  • Create multiple groupings in the same projection:

    (GROUPED(a, b), GROUPED(c, d))

Grouping columns

The following example shows how to group columns bid and ask. The stock column is stored separately.

=> CREATE TABLE trades (stock CHAR(5), bid INT, ask INT);
   AS (SELECT * FROM trades) KSAFE 1;

The following example show how to create a projection that uses expressions in the column definition. The projection contains two integer columns a and b, and a third column product_value that stores the product of a and b:

=> CREATE TABLE values (a INT, b INT);
=> CREATE PROJECTION product (a, b, product_value) AS
   SELECT a, b, a*b FROM values ORDER BY a KSAFE;