Alters a user-defined SQL function.

Alters a user-defined SQL function.


ALTER FUNCTION [[db-name.]schema.]function-name( [arg-list] ) {
    OWNER TO new-owner
    | RENAME TO new-name
    | SET SCHEMA new-schema



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

The name of the SQL function to alter.
A comma-delimited list of function argument names. If none, specify an empty list.
OWNER TO new-owner
Transfers function ownership to another user.
RENAME TO new-name
Renames this function.
SET SCHEMA new-schema
Moves the function to another schema.


Non-superuser: USAGE on the schema and one of the following:

  • Function owner

  • ALTER privilege on the function

For certain operations, non-superusers must also have the following schema privileges:

For these operations... Schema privileges required...
RENAME TO (rename function) CREATE, USAGE
SET SCHEMA (move function to another schema) CREATE: destination schema
USAGE: current schema


Rename function SQL_one to SQL_two:

=> ALTER FUNCTION SQL_one (int, int) RENAME TO SQL_two;

Move function SQL_two to schema macros:

=> ALTER FUNCTION SQL_two (int, int) SET SCHEMA macros;

Reassign ownership of SQL_two:

=> ALTER FUNCTION SQL_two (int, int) OWNER TO user1;

See also