Reads and returns the key-value pairs of all the parameters of a given tokenizer.

Reads and returns the key-value pairs of all the parameters of a given tokenizer.

You must use the OVER() clause with this function.


SELECT v_txtindex.READ_CONFIG_FILE(USING PARAMETERS proc_oid='proc_oid') OVER ()


A unique identifier assigned to a tokenizer when it is created. Users must query the system table vs_procedures to get the proc_oid for a given tokenizer name. See Configuring a tokenizer for more information.


The following example shows how you can use READ_CONFIG_FILE to return the parameters associated with a tokenizer:

=> SELECT v_txtindex.READ_CONFIG_FILE(USING PARAMETERS proc_oid='45035996274126984') OVER();
                config_key | config_value
  majorseparators          | {}()&[]
  stopwordscaseinsensitive | devil,TODAY,the,fox
(2 rows)