Populates the design and creates the design and deployment scripts.

Populates the design and creates the design and deployment scripts. DESIGNER_RUN_POPULATE_DESIGN_AND_DEPLOY can also analyze statistics, deploy the design, and drop the workspace after the deployment.

The files output by this function have the permissions 666 or rw-rw-rw-, which allows any Linux user on the node to read or write to them. It is highly recommended that you keep the files in a secure directory.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



    [ , 'analyze-statistics']
    [ , 'deploy']
    [ , 'drop-design-workspace']
    [ , 'continue-after-error']


Name of the design to populate and deploy.
Absolute path and name of the file to contain DDL statements that create design projections, on the local file system of the node where the session is connected, or another file system or object store that Vertica supports.
Absolute path and name of the file to contain the deployment script, on the local file system of the node where the session is connected, or another file system or object store that Vertica supports.
Specifies whether to collect or refresh statistics for the tables before populating the design. If set to true, Vertica Invokes ANALYZE_STATISTICS. Accurate statistics help Database Designer optimize compression and query performance. However, updating statistics requires time and resources.

Default: false

Specifies whether to deploy the Database Designer design using the deployment script created by this function.

Default: true

Specifies whether to drop the design workspace after the design is deployed.

Default: true

Specifies whether DESIGNER_RUN_POPULATE_DESIGN_AND_DEPLOY continues to run after an error occurs. By default, an error causes this function to terminate.

Default: false


Non-superuser: design creator with WRITE privileges on storage locations of design and deployment scripts


Before calling this function, you must:

  • Create a design, a logical schema with tables.

  • Associate tables with the design.

  • Load queries to the design.

  • Set design properties (K-safety level, mode, and policy).


The following example creates projections for and deploys the VMART_DESIGN design, and analyzes statistics about the design tables.


See also

Running Database Designer programmatically