VAR_SAMP [analytic]

Returns the sample variance of a non-NULL set of numbers (NULL values in the set are ignored) for each row of the group within a.

Returns the sample variance of a non-NULL set of numbers (NULL values in the set are ignored) for each row of the group within a window. Results are calculated as follows:

(SUM( expression * expression ) - SUM( expression ) * SUM( expression ) / COUNT( expression ) )
/ (COUNT( expression ) - 1 )

This function and VARIANCE differ in one way: given an input set of one element, VARIANCE returns 0 and VAR_SAMP returns NULL.

Behavior type



VAR_SAMP ( expression ) OVER (
    [ window-partition-clause ]
    [ window-order-clause ]
    [ window-frame-clause ] )


Any NUMERIC data type or any non-numeric data type that can be implicitly converted to a numeric data type. The function returns the same data type as the numeric data type of the argument
See Analytic Functions

Null handling

  • VAR_SAMP returns the sample variance of a set of numbers after it discards the NULL values in the set.

  • If the function is applied to an empty set, then it returns NULL.


The following example calculates the sample variance in the store orders fact table of sales in December 2007:

=> SELECT date_ordered,
      OVER (ORDER BY date_ordered) "var_samp"
   FROM store.store_orders_fact s
   WHERE date_ordered BETWEEN '2007-12-01' AND '2007-12-31'
   GROUP BY s.date_ordered;
 date_ordered |     var_samp
 2007-12-01   |              NaN
 2007-12-02   |      90642601088
 2007-12-03   | 48030548449.3359
 2007-12-04   | 32740062504.2461
 2007-12-05   | 32100319112.6992
 2007-12-06   |  26274166814.668
 2007-12-07   | 23017490251.9062
 2007-12-08   | 21099374085.1406
 2007-12-09   | 27462205977.9453
 2007-12-10   | 26288687564.1758
(10 rows)

See also