Package dependencies

For successful Vertica installation, you must first install three packages on all nodes in your cluster before installing the database platform.

For successful Vertica installation, you must first install three packages on all nodes in your cluster before installing the database platform.

The required packages are:

  • openssh—Required for Administration tools connectivity between nodes.

  • which—Required for Vertica operating system integration and for validating installations.

  • dialog—Required for interactivity with Administration Tools.

Installing the required packages

The procedure you follow to install the required packages depends on the operating system on which your node or cluster is running. See your operating system's documentation for detailed information on installing packages.

  • For CentOS/Red Hat Systems—Typically, you manage packages on Red Hat and CentOS systems using the yum utility.

    Run the following yum commands to install each of the package dependencies. The yum utility guides you through the installation:

    # yum install openssh
    # yum install which
    # yum install dialog
  • For Debian/Ubuntu Systems—Typically, you use the apt-get utility to manage packages on Debian and Ubuntu systems.

    Run the following apt-get commands to install each of the package dependencies. The apt-get utility guides you through the installation:

    # apt-get install openssh
    # apt-get install which
    # apt-get install dialog