
The KafkaParser does not parse data loaded from Kafka.

The KafkaParser does not parse data loaded from Kafka. Instead, it passes the messages through as LONG VARCHAR values. Use this parser when you want to load raw Kafka messages into Vertica for further processing. You can use this parser as a catch-all for unsupported formats.

KafkaParser does not take any parameters.


The following example loads raw messages from a Kafka topic named iot-data into a table named raw_iot.

=> CREATE TABLE raw_iot(message LONG VARCHAR);
=> COPY raw_iot SOURCE KafkaSource(stream='iot-data|0|-2,iot-data|1|-2,iot-data|2|-2',
                                   brokers='docd01:6667,docd03:6667', stop_on_eof=TRUE)
                PARSER KafkaParser();
 Rows Loaded
(1 row)

=> select * from raw_iot limit 10;
 10039, 59, -68.951406, -19.270126
 10042, 40, -82.688712, 4.7187705
 10054, 6, -153.805268, -10.5173935
 10054, 71, -135.613150, 58.286458
 10081, 44, 130.288419, -77.344405
 10104, -5, 77.882598, -56.600744
 10132, 87, 103.530616, -69.672863
 10135, 6, -121.420382, 15.3229855
 10166, 77, -179.592211, 42.0477075
 10183, 62, 17.225394, -55.6644765
(10 rows)