Hadoop configuration for backup and restore

If your Vertica cluster uses storage locations on HDFS, and you want to be able to back up and restore those storage locations using vbr, you must enable snapshotting in HDFS.

If your Vertica cluster uses storage locations on HDFS, and you want to be able to back up and restore those storage locations using vbr, you must enable snapshotting in HDFS.

The Vertica backup script uses HDFS's snapshotting feature to create a backup of HDFS storage locations. A directory must allow snapshotting before HDFS can take a snapshot. Only a Hadoop superuser can enable snapshotting on a directory. Vertica can enable snapshotting automatically if the database administrator is also a Hadoop superuser.

If HDFS is unsecured, the following instructions apply to the database administrator account, usually dbadmin. If HDFS uses Kerberos security, the following instructions apply to the principal stored in the Vertica keytab file, usually vertica. The instructions below use the term "database account" to refer to this user.

We recommend that you make the database administrator or principal a Hadoop superuser. If you are not able to do so, you must enable snapshotting on the directory before configuring it for use by Vertica.

The steps you need to take to make the Vertica database administrator account a superuser depend on the distribution of Hadoop you are using. Consult your Hadoop distribution's documentation for details.

Manually enabling snapshotting for a directory

If you cannot grant superuser status to the database account, you can instead enable snapshotting of each directory manually. Use the following command:

$ hdfs dfsadmin -allowSnapshot path

Issue this command for each directory on each node. Remember to do this each time you add a new node to your HDFS cluster.

Nested snapshottable directories are not allowed, so you cannot enable snapshotting for a parent directory to automatically enable it for child directories. You must enable it for each individual directory.

Additional requirements for Kerberos

If HDFS uses Kerberos, then in addition to granting the keytab principal access, you must give Vertica access to certain Hadoop configuration files. See Configuring Kerberos.

Testing the database account's ability to make HDFS directories snapshottable

After making the database account a Hadoop superuser, verify that the account can set directories snapshottable:

  1. Log into the Hadoop cluster as the database account (dbadmin by default).

  2. Determine a location in HDFS where the database administrator can create a directory. The /tmp directory is usually available. Create a test HDFS directory using the command:

    $ hdfs dfs -mkdir /path/testdir
  3. Make the test directory snapshottable using the command:

    $ hdfs dfsadmin -allowSnapshot /path/testdir

The following example demonstrates creating an HDFS directory and making it snapshottable:

$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /tmp/snaptest
$ hdfs dfsadmin -allowSnapshot /tmp/snaptest
Allowing snaphot on /tmp/snaptest succeeded