Listing the UDxs contained in a library

Once a library has been loaded using the CREATE LIBRARY statement, you can find the UDxs and UDLs it contains by querying the USER_LIBRARY_MANIFEST system table:.

Once a library has been loaded using the CREATE LIBRARY statement, you can find the UDxs and UDLs it contains by querying the USER_LIBRARY_MANIFEST system table:

=> CREATE LIBRARY ScalarFunctions AS '/home/dbadmin/';
=> \x
Expanded display is on.
=> SELECT * FROM USER_LIBRARY_MANIFEST WHERE lib_name = 'ScalarFunctions';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------
schema_name | public
lib_name    | ScalarFunctions
lib_oid     | 45035996273792402
obj_name    | RemoveSpaceFactory
obj_type    | Scalar Function
arg_types   | Varchar
return_type | Varchar
-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------------
schema_name | public
lib_name    | ScalarFunctions
lib_oid     | 45035996273792402
obj_name    | Div2intsInfo
obj_type    | Scalar Function
arg_types   | Integer, Integer
return_type | Integer
-[ RECORD 3 ]-------------------
schema_name | public
lib_name    | ScalarFunctions
lib_oid     | 45035996273792402
obj_name    | Add2intsInfo
obj_type    | Scalar Function
arg_types   | Integer, Integer
return_type | Integer

The obj_name column lists the factory classes contained in the library. These are the names you use to define UDxs and UDLs in the database catalog using statements such as CREATE FUNCTION and CREATE SOURCE.