Java example: defining parameters

The following code fragment demonstrates adding a single parameter to the Java add2ints UDSF example.

The following code fragment demonstrates adding a single parameter to the Java add2ints UDSF example. The getParameterType() method defines a single integer parameter that is named constant.

package com.mycompany.example;
import com.vertica.sdk.*;
public class Add2intsWithConstantFactory extends ScalarFunctionFactory
    public void getPrototype(ServerInterface srvInterface,
                             ColumnTypes argTypes,
                             ColumnTypes returnType)

    public void getReturnType(ServerInterface srvInterface,
                              SizedColumnTypes argTypes,
                              SizedColumnTypes returnType)

    // Defines the parameters for this UDSF. Works similarly to defining
    // arguments and return types.
    public void getParameterType(ServerInterface srvInterface,
                              SizedColumnTypes parameterTypes)
        // One INTEGER parameter named constant

    public ScalarFunction createScalarFunction(ServerInterface srvInterface)
        return new Add2intsWithConstant();

See the Vertica Java SDK entry for SizedColumnTypes for a full list of the data-type-specific methods you can call to define parameters.