C++ SDK data types

The Vertica SDK has typedefs and classes for representing Vertica data types within your UDx code.

The Vertica SDK has typedefs and classes for representing Vertica data types within your UDx code. Using these typedefs ensures data type compatibility between the data your UDx processes and generates and the Vertica database. The following table describes some of the typedefs available. Consult the C++ SDK Documentation for a complete list, as well as lists of helper functions to convert and manipulate these data types.

For information about SDK support for complex data types, see Complex Types as Arguments and Return Values.

Type Definition Description
Interval A Vertica interval
IntervalYM A Vertica year-to-month interval.
Timestamp A Vertica timestamp
vint A standard Vertica 64-bit integer
vbool A Boolean value in Vertica
vbool_null A null value for a Boolean data types
vfloat A Vertica floating point value

String data types (such as varchar and char)

Note: Do not use a VString object to hold an intermediate result. Use a std::string or char[] instead.

VNumeric Fixed-point data types from Vertica
VUuid A Vertica universally unique identifier


  • When making some Vertica SDK API calls (such as VerticaType::getNumericLength()) on objects, make sure they have the correct data type. To minimize overhead and improve performance, most of the APIs do not check the data types of the objects on which they are called. Calling a function on an incorrect data type can result in an error.

  • You cannot create instances of VString or VNumeric yourself. You can manipulate the values of existing objects of these classes that Vertica passes to your UDx, and extract values from them. However, only Vertica can instantiate these classes.