Dropping models

DROP MODEL removes one or more models from the database.

DROP MODEL removes one or more models from the database. For example:

  1. Find the model you want to drop.

    => SELECT * FROM V_CATALOG.MODELS WHERE model_name='mySvmClassModel';
    -[ RECORD 1 ]--+--------------------------------
    model_id       | 45035996273765414
    model_name     | mySvmClassModel
    schema_id      | 45035996273704978
    schema_name    | public
    owner_id       | 45035996273704962
    owner_name     | dbadmin
    category       | VERTICA_MODELS
    model_type     | SVM_CLASSIFIER
    is_complete    | t
    create_time    | 2017-02-14 10:30:44.903946-05
    size           | 525
  2. Drop the model.

    => DROP MODEL mySvmClassModel;
         DROP MODEL
  3. Review V_CATALOG.MODELS to verify that the model was dropped.

    => SELECT * FROM V_CATALOG.MODELS WHERE model_name='mySvmClassModel';
    (0 rows)