Spatial reference identifiers (SRIDs)

A spatial reference identifier (SRID) is an integer value that represents a method for projecting coordinates on the plane.

A spatial reference identifier (SRID) is an integer value that represents a method for projecting coordinates on the plane. A SRID is metadata that indicates the coordinate system in which a spatial object is defined.

Geospatial functions using Geometry arguments must contain the same SRID. If the functions do not contain the same SRID, then the query returns an error.

For example, in this query the two points have different SRIDs. As a result the query returns an error:

=> SELECT ST_Distance(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(34 9)',2749), ST_GeomFromText('POINT(70 12)', 3359));
ERROR 5861:  Error calling processBlock() in User Function ST_Distance at [src/Distance.cpp:65],
error code: 0, message: Geometries with different SRIDs found: 2749, 3359

Supported SRIDs

Vertica supports SRIDs derived from the EPSG standards. Geospatial functions using Geometry arguments must use supported SRIDs when performing calculations. SRID values of 0 to 232-1 are valid. Queries with SRID values outside of this range will return an error.