Exporting data using vsql

You can use for simple data-export tasks by changing its output format options so the output is suitable for importing into other systems (tab-delimited or comma-separated files, for example).

You can use vsql for simple data-export tasks by changing its output format options so the output is suitable for importing into other systems (tab-delimited or comma-separated files, for example). These options can be set either from within an interactive vsql session, or through command-line arguments to the vsql command (making the export process suitable for automation through scripting). After you have set vsql's options so it outputs the data in a format your target system can read, you run a query and capture the result in a text file.

The following table lists the meta-commands and command-line options that are useful for changing the format of vsql's output.

Description Meta-command Command-line Option
Disable padding used to align output. \a -A or --no-align
Show only tuples, disabling column headings and row counts. \t -t or --tuples-only
Set the field separator character. \pset fieldsep -F or --field-separator
Send output to a file. \o -o or --output
Specify a SQL statement to execute. N/A -c or --command

The following example demonstrates disabling padding and column headers in the output, and setting a field separator to dump a table to a tab-separated text file within an interactive session.

=> SELECT * FROM my_table;
 a |   b   | c
 a | one   | 1
 b | two   | 2
 c | three | 3
 d | four  | 4
 e | five  | 5
(5 rows)
=> \a
Output format is unaligned.
=> \t
Showing only tuples.
=> \pset fieldsep '\t'
Field separator is "    ".
=> \o dumpfile.txt
=> select * from my_table;
=> \o
=> \! cat dumpfile.txt
a       one     1
b       two     2
c       three   3
d       four    4
e       five    5

When logged into one of the database nodes, you can create the same output file directly from the command line by passing the right parameters to vsql:

$ vsql -U username -F $'\t' -At -o dumpfile.txt -c "SELECT * FROM my_table;"
$ cat dumpfile.txt
a       one     1
b       two     2
c       three   3
d       four    4
e       five    5

If you want to convert null values to a unique string as mentioned earlier, you can add the argument -P null='NULLNULLNULL' (or whatever unique string you choose).

By adding the -w vsql command-line option to the example command line, you could use the command within a batch script to automate the data export. However, the script would contain the database password as plain text. If you take this approach, you should prevent unauthorized access to the batch script, and also have the script use a database user account that has limited access.

To set the field separator value to a control character, use your shell's control character escape notation. In Bash, you specify a control character in an argument using a dollar sign ($) followed by a string contained in single quotes. This string can contain C-string escapes (such as \t for tab), or a backslash () followed by an octal value for the character you want to use.

The following example demonstrates setting the separator character to tab (\t), vertical tab (\v) and the octal value of vertical tab (\013).

$ vsql -At -c "SELECT * FROM testtable;"

$ vsql -F $'\t' -At -c "SELECT * FROM testtable;"
A       1       2       3
B       4       5       6

$ vsql -F $'\v' -At -c "SELECT * FROM testtable;"
$ vsql -F $'\013' -At -c "SELECT * FROM testtable;"