GET alerts

Returns a list of MC alerts, their current status, and database properties.

Returns a list of MC alerts, their current status, and database properties.

Resource URL



Requires an MC-User-Apikey in the request header.

Filter parameters


The type of alert to retrieve. Valid values are:

  • info

  • notice

  • warning

  • error

  • critical

  • alert

  • emergency

category For information, see Thresholds category filter.
db_name For information, see Database name category filter.
limit The maximum number of alerts to retrieve. If the limit is lower than the number of existing alerts, Vertica retrieves the most recent alerts. Used with the type parameter, Vertica retrieves up to the limit for each type. For example, for a limit of five and types of critical and emergency, you could receive up to ten total alerts.

The timestamp start point from which to retrieve alerts. You can use this parameter in combination with the time_to parameter to retrieve alerts for a specific time range. Values must be passed in the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm.

If you provide only the time_from parameter, and omit the time_to parameter, the response contains all alerts generated from the time_from parameter to the current time.


The timestamp end point from which to retrieve alerts. You can use this parameter in combination with the time_from parameter to retrieve alerts for a specific time range. Values must be passed in the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm.

If you provide only the time_to parameter, and omit the time_from parameter, the response contains all alerts generated from the earliest possible time to the time passed in time_to.

Example request

GET https://<MC_NODE>:5450/webui/api/alerts?types=critical

Request alerts using cURL

This example shows how you can request alerts using cURL. In this example, the limit parameter is set to '2' and the types parameters is set to info and notice:

curl -H "MC-User-ApiKey: ValidUserKey" https://<MC_NODE>:5450/webui/api/alerts?limit=2&types=info,notice


            "create_time":"2016-02-02 05:12:10.0",
            "updated_time":"2016-02-02 15:50:20.511",
            "description":"Warning: Low disk space detected (73% in use)",
            "summary":"Low Disk Space",
            "create_time":"2016-02-02 05:12:02.31",
            "updated_time":"2016-02-02 05:12:02.31",
            "description":"Analyze Workload operation started on Database",
            "summary":"Analyze Workload operation started on Database",
      "request_time":"2016-02-02 15:50:26 -0500"

Request alerts within a time range

These examples show various ways in which you can request the same alert as in the preceding example, but within specified time ranges.

Request the alert within a specific time range, using the time_from and time_to parameters:

curl -H "MC-User-ApiKey: ValidUserKey" https://<MC_NODE>:5450/webui/api/alerts?types=info,notice&time_from=2016-01-01T12:12&time_to=2016-02-01T12:12

Request the alert from a specific start time to the present using the time_from parameter:

curl -H "MC-User-ApiKey: ValidUserKey" https://<MC_NODE>:5450/webui/api/alerts?types=info,notice&time_from=2016-01-01T12:12

Request the alert to a specific end point using the time_to parameter. When you use the time_to parameter without the time_from parameter, the time_from parameter defaults to the oldest alerts your MC contains:

curl -H "MC-User-ApiKey: ValidUserKey" https://<MC_NODE>:5450/webui/api/alerts?types=info,notice&time_to=2016-01-01T12:12