To use COPY LOCAL with JDBC, just execute a COPY LOCAL statement with the path to the source file on the client system.

To use COPY LOCAL with JDBC, just execute a COPY LOCAL statement with the path to the source file on the client system. This method is simpler than using the VerticaCopyStream class (details on the class are available in the JDBC documentation. However, you may prefer using VerticaCopyStream if you have many files to copy to the database or if your data comes from a source other than a file (streamed over a network connection, for example).

You can use COPY LOCAL in a multiple-statement query. However, you should always make it the first statement in the query. You should not use it multiple times in the same query.

The following example code demonstrates using COPY LOCAL to copy a file from the client to the database. It is the same as the code shown in Bulk loading using the COPY statement, except for the use of the LOCAL option in the COPY statement, and the path to the data file is on the client system, rather than on the server.

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;

public class COPYLocal {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Note: If using Java 5, you must call Class.forName to load the
        // JDBC driver.
        Properties myProp = new Properties();
        myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser"); // Do not need to superuser
        myProp.put("password", "password123");
        Connection conn;
        try {
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
            // Disable AutoCommit
            Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
            // Create a table to hold data.
            stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers;");
            stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customers (Last_Name char(50) "
                            + "NOT NULL, First_Name char(50),Email char(50), "
                            + "Phone_Number char(15))");

            // Use the COPY command to load data. Load directly into ROS, since
            // this load could be over 100MB. Use ENFORCELENGTH to reject
            // strings too wide for their columns.
            boolean result = stmt.execute("COPY customers FROM LOCAL "
                            + " 'C:\\Data\\customers.txt' DIRECT ENFORCELENGTH");

            // Determine if execution returned a count value, or a full result
            // set.
            if (result) {
                System.out.println("Got result set");
            } else {
                // Count will usually return the count of rows inserted.
                System.out.println("Got count");
                int rowCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
                System.out.println("Number of accepted rows = " + rowCount);

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            System.out.print("Error: ");

The result of running this code appears below. In this case, the customers.txt file contains 10000 rows, seven of which get rejected because they contain data too wide to fit into their database columns.

Got countNumber of accepted rows = 9993