Using intervals with JDBC

The JDBC standard does not contain a data type for intervals (the duration between two points in time).

The JDBC standard does not contain a data type for intervals (the duration between two points in time). To handle Vertica's INTERVAL data type, you must use JDBC's database-specific object type.

When reading an interval value from a result set, use the ResultSet.getObject() method to retrieve the value, and then cast it to one of the Vertica interval classes: VerticaDayTimeInterval (which represents all ten types of day/time intervals) or VerticaYearMonthInterval (which represents all three types of year/month intervals).

Using intervals in batch inserts

When inserting batches into tables that contain interval data, you must create instances of the VerticaDayTimeInterval or VerticaYearMonthInterval classes to hold the data you want to insert. You set values either when calling the class's constructor, or afterwards using setters. You then insert your interval values using the PreparedStatement.setObject() method. You can also use the .setString() method, passing it a string in "DD**HH:MM:SS" or "YY-MM" format.

The following example demonstrates inserting data into a table containing a day/time interval and a year/month interval:

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
// You need to import the Vertica JDBC classes to be able to instantiate
// the interval classes.
import com.vertica.jdbc.*;

public class IntervalDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // If running under a Java 5 JVM, use you need to load the JDBC driver
        // using Class.forname here
        Properties myProp = new Properties();
        myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
        myProp.put("password", "password123");
        Connection conn;
        try {
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
                    "jdbc:vertica://VerticaHost:5433/VMart", myProp);
            // Create table for interval values
            Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
            stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS interval_demo");
            stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE interval_demo("
                    + "DayInt INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND, "
                    + "MonthInt INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH)");
            // Insert data into interval columns using
            // VerticaDayTimeInterval and VerticaYearMonthInterval
            // classes.
            PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(
                    "INSERT INTO interval_demo VALUES(?,?)");
            // Create instances of the Vertica classes that represent
            // intervals.
            VerticaDayTimeInterval dayInt = new VerticaDayTimeInterval(10, 0,
                    5, 40, 0, 0, false);
            VerticaYearMonthInterval monthInt = new VerticaYearMonthInterval(
                    10, 6, false);
            // These objects can also be manipulated using setters.
            // Add the interval values to the batch
            ((VerticaPreparedStatement) pstmt).setObject(1, dayInt);
            ((VerticaPreparedStatement) pstmt).setObject(2, monthInt);
            // Set another row from strings.
            // Set day interval in "days HH:MM:SS" format
            pstmt.setString(1, "10 10:10:10");
            // Set year to month value in "MM-YY" format
            pstmt.setString(2, "12-09");
            // Execute the batch to insert the values.
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                System.out.println("Error message: " + e.getMessage());

Reading interval values

You read an interval value from a result set using the ResultSet.getObject() method, and cast the object to the appropriate Vertica object class: VerticaDayTimeInterval for day/time intervals or VerticaYearMonthInterval for year/month intervals. This is easy to do if you know that the column contains an interval, and you know what type of interval it is. If your application cannot assume the structure of the data in the result set it reads in, you can test whether a column contains a database-specific object type, and if so, determine whether the object belongs to either the VerticaDayTimeInterval or VerticaYearMonthInterval classes.

            // Retrieve the interval values inserted by previous demo.
            // Query the table to get the row back as a result set.
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM interval_demo");
            // If you do not know the types of data contained in the result set,
            // you can read its metadata to determine the type, and use
            // additional information to determine the interval type.
            ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
            while ( {
                for (int x = 1; x <= md.getColumnCount(); x++) {
                    // Get data type from metadata
                    int colDataType = md.getColumnType(x);
                    // You can get the type in a string:
                    System.out.println("Column " + x + " is a "
                            + md.getColumnTypeName(x));
                    // Normally, you'd have a switch statement here to
                    // handle all sorts of column types, but this example is
                    // simplified to just handle database-specific types
                    if (colDataType == Types.OTHER) {
                        // Column contains a database-specific type. Determine
                        // what type of interval it is. Assuming it is an
                        // interval...
                        Object columnVal = rs.getObject(x);
                        if (columnVal instanceof VerticaDayTimeInterval) {
                            // We know it is a date time interval
                            VerticaDayTimeInterval interval =
                                    (VerticaDayTimeInterval) columnVal;
                            // You can use the getters to access the interval's
                            // data
                            System.out.print("Column " + x + "'s value is ");
                            System.out.print(interval.getDay() + " Days ");
                            System.out.print(interval.getHour() + " Hours ");
                                    + " Minutes");
                        } else if (columnVal instanceof VerticaYearMonthInterval) {
                            VerticaYearMonthInterval interval =
                                    (VerticaYearMonthInterval) columnVal;
                            System.out.print("Column " + x + "'s value is ");
                            System.out.print(interval.getYear() + " Years ");
                            System.out.println(interval.getMonth() + " Months");
                        } else {
                            System.out.println("Not an interval.");
        } catch (SQLException e) {

The example prints the following to the console:

Column 1's value is 10 Days 7 Hours 5 Minutes
Column 2's value is 10 Years 6 Months
Column 1's value is 10 Days 10 Hours 10 Minutes
Column 2's value is 12 Years 9 Months

Another option is to use database metadata to find columns that contain intervals.

// Determine the interval data types by examining the database
// metadata.
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
ResultSet dbMeta = dbmd.getColumns(null, null, "interval_demo", null);
int colcount = 0;
while ( {

    // Get the metadata type for a column.
    int javaType = dbMeta.getInt("DATA_TYPE");

    System.out.println("Column " + ++colcount + " Type name is " +

    if(javaType == Types.OTHER) {
      // The SQL_DATETIME_SUB column in the metadata tells you
      // Specifically which subtype of interval you have.
      // The VerticaDayTimeInterval.isDayTimeInterval()
      // methods tells you if that value is a day time.
      int intervalType = dbMeta.getInt("SQL_DATETIME_SUB");
      if(VerticaDayTimeInterval.isDayTimeInterval(intervalType)) {
           // Now you know it is one of the 10 day/time interval types.
           // When you select this column you can cast to
           // VerticaDayTimeInterval.
           // You can get more specific by checking intervalType
           // against each of the 10 constants directly, but
           // they all are represented by the same object.
           System.out.println("column " + colcount + " is a " +
                           "VerticaDayTimeInterval intervalType = "
                          + intervalType);
      } else if(VerticaYearMonthInterval.isYearMonthInterval(
                      intervalType)) {
          //now you know it is one of the 3 year/month intervals,
          //and you can select the column and cast to
          // VerticaYearMonthInterval
          System.out.println("column " + colcount + " is a " +
                          "VerticaDayTimeInterval intervalType = "
                          + intervalType);
      } else {
          System.out.println("Not an interval type.");