Retrieving data

To retrieve data through ODBC, you execute a query that returns a result set (SELECT, for example), then retrieve the results using one of two methods:.

To retrieve data through ODBC, you execute a query that returns a result set (SELECT, for example), then retrieve the results using one of two methods:

  • Use the SQLFetch() function to retrieve a row of the result set, then access column values in the row by calling SQLGetData().

  • Use the SQLBindColumn() function to bind a variable or array to a column in the result set, then call SQLExtendedFetch() or SQLFetchScroll() to read a row of the result set and insert its values into the variable or array.

In both methods you loop through the result set until you either reach the end (signaled by the SQL_NO_DATA return status) or encounter an error.

The following code example demonstrates retrieving data from Vertica by:

  1. Connecting to the database.

  2. Executing a SELECT statement that returns the IDs and names of all tables.

  3. Binds two variables to the two columns in the result set.

  4. Loops through the result set, printing the ids and name values.

// Demonstrate running a query and getting results by querying the tables
// system table for a list of all tables in the current schema.
// Some standard headers
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
// Standard ODBC headers
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
#include <sqlext.h>

// Use std namespace to make output easier
using namespace std;
// Helper function to print SQL error messages.
template <typename HandleT>
void reportError(int handleTypeEnum, HandleT hdl)
    // Get the status records.
    SQLSMALLINT   i, MsgLen;
    SQLRETURN ret2;
    SQLCHAR       SqlState[6], Msg[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
    SQLINTEGER    NativeError;
    i = 1;
    cout << endl;
    while ((ret2 = SQLGetDiagRec(handleTypeEnum, hdl, i, SqlState, &NativeError,
        Msg, sizeof(Msg), &MsgLen)) != SQL_NO_DATA) {
        cout << "error record #" << i++ << endl;
        cout << "sqlstate: " << SqlState << endl;
        cout << "detailed msg: " << Msg << endl;
        cout << "native error code: " << NativeError << endl;

typedef struct {
    SQLHENV hdlEnv;
    SQLHDBC hdlDbc;
} DBConnection;

void connect(DBConnection *pConnInfo)
    // Set up the ODBC environment
    SQLRETURN ret;
    ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &pConnInfo->hdlEnv);
    // Tell ODBC that the application uses ODBC 3.
    ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(pConnInfo->hdlEnv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,

    // Allocate a database handle.
    ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, pConnInfo->hdlEnv, &pConnInfo->hdlDbc);
    // Connect to the database
    cout << "Connecting to database." << endl;
    const char* dsnName = "ExampleDB";
    const char* userID = "dbadmin";
    const char* passwd = "password123";
    ret = SQLConnect(pConnInfo->hdlDbc, (SQLCHAR*)dsnName,
        SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR*)userID, SQL_NTS,
        (SQLCHAR*)passwd, SQL_NTS);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
        cout << "Could not connect to database" << endl;
        reportError<SQLHDBC>(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, pConnInfo->hdlDbc);
    else {
        cout << "Connected to database." << endl;

void disconnect(DBConnection *pConnInfo)
    SQLRETURN ret;
    // Clean up by shutting down the connection
    cout << "Free handles." << endl;
    ret = SQLDisconnect(pConnInfo->hdlDbc);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
        cout << "Error disconnecting. Transaction still open?" << endl;
    SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, pConnInfo->hdlDbc);
    SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, pConnInfo->hdlEnv);

void executeQuery(SQLHDBC hdlDbc, SQLCHAR* pQuery)
    SQLRETURN ret;
    // Set up a statement handle
    SQLHSTMT hdlStmt;
    SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlDbc, &hdlStmt);

    // Execute a query to get the names and IDs of all tables in the schema
    // search p[ath (usually public).
    ret = SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, pQuery, SQL_NTS);

    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
        // Report error an go no further if statement failed.
        cout << "Error executing statement." << endl;
        reportError<SQLHDBC>(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
    else {
        // Query succeeded, so bind two variables to the two colums in the
        // result set,
        cout << "Fetching results..." << endl;
        SQLBIGINT table_id;       // Holds the ID of the table.
        SQLTCHAR table_name[256]; // buffer to hold name of table
        ret = SQLBindCol(hdlStmt, 1, SQL_C_SBIGINT, (SQLPOINTER)&table_id,
            sizeof(table_id), NULL);
        ret = SQLBindCol(hdlStmt, 2, SQL_C_TCHAR, (SQLPOINTER)table_name,
            sizeof(table_name), NULL);

        // Loop through the results,
        while (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret = SQLFetchScroll(hdlStmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 1))) {
            // Print the bound variables, which now contain the values from the
            // fetched row.
            cout << table_id << " | " << table_name << endl;

        // See if loop exited for reasons other than running out of data
        if (ret != SQL_NO_DATA) {
            // Exited for a reason other than no more data... report the error.
            reportError<SQLHDBC>(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
    SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);

int main()
    DBConnection conn;

        (SQLCHAR*)"SELECT table_id, table_name FROM tables ORDER BY table_name");
        (SQLCHAR*)"SELECT table_id, table_name FROM tables ORDER BY table_id");

Running the example code in the vmart database produces output similar to this:

Connecting to database.
Connected to database.
Fetching results...
45035996273970908 | call_center_dimension
45035996273970836 | customer_dimension
45035996273972958 | customers
45035996273970848 | date_dimension
45035996273970856 | employee_dimension
45035996273970868 | inventory_fact
45035996273970904 | online_page_dimension
45035996273970912 | online_sales_fact
45035996273970840 | product_dimension
45035996273970844 | promotion_dimension
45035996273970860 | shipping_dimension
45035996273970876 | store_dimension
45035996273970894 | store_orders_fact
45035996273970880 | store_sales_fact
45035996273972806 | t
45035996273970852 | vendor_dimension
45035996273970864 | warehouse_dimension
Fetching results...
45035996273970836 | customer_dimension
45035996273970840 | product_dimension
45035996273970844 | promotion_dimension
45035996273970848 | date_dimension
45035996273970852 | vendor_dimension
45035996273970856 | employee_dimension
45035996273970860 | shipping_dimension
45035996273970864 | warehouse_dimension
45035996273970868 | inventory_fact
45035996273970876 | store_dimension
45035996273970880 | store_sales_fact
45035996273970894 | store_orders_fact
45035996273970904 | online_page_dimension
45035996273970908 | call_center_dimension
45035996273970912 | online_sales_fact
45035996273972806 | t
45035996273972958 | customers
Free handles.