Verbose query plans

You can qualify EXPLAIN with the VERBOSE option.

You can qualify EXPLAIN with the VERBOSE option. This option, valid for default and JSON output, increases the amount of detail in the rendered query plan

For example, the following EXPLAIN statement specifies to produce verbose output. Added information is set off in bold:

=> EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT customer_name, customer_state FROM customer_dimension
     WHERE customer_state IN ('MA','NH') AND customer_gender='Male' ORDER BY customer_name LIMIT 10;


 Opt Vertica Options

 EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT customer_name, customer_state FROM customer_dimension
 WHERE customer_state IN ('MA','NH') AND customer_gender='Male'
 ORDER BY customer_name LIMIT 10;

Access Path:
+-SELECT  LIMIT 10 [Cost: 756.000000, Rows: 10.000000 Disk(B): 0.000000 CPU(B): 0.000000 Memory(B): 0.000000 Netwrk(B): 0.000000 Parallelism: 1.000000] [OutRowSz (B): 274](PATH ID: 0)
|  Output Only: 10 tuples
|  Execute on: Query Initiator
|  Sort Key: (customer_dimension.customer_name)
| +---> SORT [TOPK] [Cost: 756.000000, Rows: 9998.000000 Disk(B): 0.000000 CPU(B): 34274697.123457 Memory(B): 2739452.000000 Netwrk(B): 0.000000 Parallelism: 4.000000 (NO STATISTICS)] [OutRowSz (B): 274] (PATH ID: 1)
| |      Order: customer_dimension.customer_name ASC
| |      Output Only: 10 tuples
| |      Execute on: Query Initiator
| |      Sort Key: (customer_dimension.customer_name)
| | +---> STORAGE ACCESS for customer_dimension [Cost: 513.000000, Rows: 9998.000000 Disk(B): 0.000000 CPU(B): 0.000000 Memory(B): 0.000000 Netwrk(B): 0.000000 Parallelism: 4.000000 (NO STATISTICS)] [OutRowSz (B): 274] (PATH ID: 2)
| | |      Column Cost Aspects: [ Disk(B): 7371817.156569 CPU(B): 4914708.578284 Memory(B): 2659466.004399 Netwrk(B): 0.000000 Parallelism: 4.000000 ]
| | |      Projection: public.customer_dimension_P1
| | |      Materialize: customer_dimension.customer_state, customer_dimension.customer_name
| | |      Filter: (customer_dimension.customer_gender = 'Male')/* sel=0.999800 ndv= 500 */
| | |      Filter: (customer_dimension.customer_state = ANY (ARRAY['MA', 'NH']))/* sel=0.999800 ndv= 500 */
| | |      Execute on: All Nodes
| | |      Runtime Filter: (SIP1(TopK): customer_dimension.customer_name)
| | |      Sort Key: (customer_dimension.household_id, customer_dimension.customer_key, customer_dimension.store_membership_card, customer_dimension.customer_type, customer_dimension.customer_region, customer_dimension.title, customer_dimension.number_of_children)