Verifying constraint enforcement

SHOW CURRENT can return the settings of constraint enforcement parameters:.

SHOW CURRENT can return the settings of constraint enforcement parameters:

=> SHOW CURRENT EnableNewCheckConstraintsByDefault, EnableNewUniqueKeysByDefault, EnableNewPrimaryKeysByDefault;
  level   |                name                | setting
 DEFAULT  | EnableNewCheckConstraintsByDefault | 1
 DEFAULT  | EnableNewUniqueKeysByDefault       | 0
 DATABASE | EnableNewPrimaryKeysByDefault      | 1
(3 rows)

You can also query the following system tables to check table enforcement settings:

For example, the following statement queries TABLE_CONSTRAINTS and returns all constraints in database tables. Column is_enabled is set to true or false for all constraints that can be enabled or disabled—PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, and CHECK:

=> SELECT constraint_name, table_name, constraint_type, is_enabled FROM table_constraints ORDER BY is_enabled, table_name;
      constraint_name      |      table_name       | constraint_type | is_enabled
 C_PRIMARY                 | call_center_dimension | p               | f
 C_PRIMARY                 | date_dimension        | p               | f
 C_PRIMARY                 | employee_dimension    | p               | f
 C_PRIMARY                 | online_page_dimension | p               | f
 C_PRIMARY                 | product_dimension     | p               | f
 C_PRIMARY                 | promotion_dimension   | p               | f
 C_PRIMARY                 | shipping_dimension    | p               | f
 C_PRIMARY                 | store_dimension       | p               | f
 C_UNIQUE_1                | tabletemp             | u               | f
 C_PRIMARY                 | vendor_dimension      | p               | f
 C_PRIMARY                 | warehouse_dimension   | p               | f
 C_PRIMARY                 | customer_dimension    | p               | t
 C_PRIMARY                 | new_sales             | p               | t
 C_CHECK                   | new_sales             | c               | t
 fk_inventory_date         | inventory_fact        | f               |
 fk_inventory_product      | inventory_fact        | f               |
 fk_inventory_warehouse    | inventory_fact        | f               |

The following query returns all tables that have primary key, unique, and check constraints, and shows whether the constraints are enabled:

=> SELECT table_name, constraint_name, constraint_type, is_enabled FROM constraint_columns
   WHERE constraint_type in ('p', 'u', 'c')
   ORDER BY table_name, constraint_type;
=> SELECT table_name, constraint_name, constraint_type, is_enabled FROM constraint_columns WHERE constraint_type in ('p', 'u', 'c') ORDER BY table_name, constraint_type;
      table_name       | constraint_name | constraint_type | is_enabled
 call_center_dimension | C_PRIMARY       | p               | f
 customer_dimension    | C_PRIMARY       | p               | t
 customer_dimension2   | C_PRIMARY       | p               | t
 customer_dimension2   | C_PRIMARY       | p               | t
 date_dimension        | C_PRIMARY       | p               | f
 employee_dimension    | C_PRIMARY       | p               | f
 new_sales             | C_CHECK         | c               | t
 new_sales             | C_PRIMARY       | p               | t