Configuring hard-link local backup hosts

When specifying the backupHost parameter for your hard-link local configuration files, use the database host names (or IP addresses) as known to admintools.

When specifying the backupHost parameter for your hard-link local configuration files, use the database host names (or IP addresses) as known to admintools. Do not use the node names. Host names (or IP addresses) are what you used when setting up the cluster. Do not use localhost for the backupHost parameter.

Listing host names

To query node names and host names:

=> SELECT node_name, host_name FROM node_resources;
    node_name     |   host_name 
 v_vmart_node0001 |
 v_vmart_node0002 |
 v_vmart_node0003 |
(3 rows)

Because you are creating a local backup, use square brackets [ ] to map the host to the local host. For more information, refer to [mapping].

v_vmart_node0001 = []:/home/dbadmin/data/backups
v_vmart_node0002 = []:/home/dbadmin/data/backups
v_vmart_node0003 = []:/home/dbadmin/data/backups