Lists events from all data loaders.

Lists load events from all data loaders, including the file path, whether the load succeeded, and how many times it has been retried. You must own or have any privilege (EXECUTE, ALTER, or DROP) on a data loader to see its events in this table.

To prevent unbounded growth, records in this table are purged periodically. You can set the purge frequency for individual data loaders when creating or altering the loader. See CREATE DATA LOADER and ALTER DATA LOADER. The default is 14 days.

For SQS errors that precede data load, such as authorization errors or malformed SQS events, see SQS_LISTENER_ERROR_HISTORY.

Column Name Column Type Description
DATA_LOADER_NAMESPACE VARCHAR For Eon Mode databases, namespace of the data loader that performed this load.

Schema for the data loader that performed this load.

If the schema belongs to a non-default namespace in an Eon Mode database, the schema name is front-qualified with the name of the schema's namespace. For example, n1.s refers to schema s in namespace n1.

DATA_LOADER_NAME VARCHAR Name of the data loader that performed this load.
TIME_STAMP TIMESTAMPTZ Time when Vertica recorded the event.
FILE_NAME VARCHAR Path that was loaded (or attempted).
TRANSACTION_ID VARCHAR Unique identifier for the transaction in which the load occurred.
LOAD_STATUS VARCHAR OK if the load succeeded or FAIL if it did not.
ROWS_LOADED INTEGER If a single file was loaded, the number of rows. If more than one file was loaded in a single batch, this value is null. For batch loads, FILE_SIZE_BYTES can be helpful in place of row counts.
FAILURE_REASON VARCHAR If the load failed, an explanatory message.
RETRY_ATTEMPT INTEGER 0 if this was the first attempt to load the file, otherwise the number of retries including this one.
FILE_SIZE_BYTES INTEGER File size in bytes when the data loader was executed.
BATCH_ID INTEGER Identifier, unique within the transaction, for the batch this file was part of. If a file was loaded individually, this value is null.
KAFKA_TOPIC_NAME VARCHAR The name of the Kafka topic from wich the data is loaded.
KAFKA_PARTITION_ID INTEGER The partition in the Kafka topic.
KAFKA_LATEST_OFFSET INTEGER The offset where the load ends the last.
KAFKA_LOADER_TARGET VARCHAR The target table to which the Kafka data is loaded.