Installing Management Console
Management Console (MC) 25.1.x is compatible with the latest supported versions of Vertica server. Read the following documents for more information:
Vertica server and Management Console. Lists supported platforms and browsers for Management Console.
Installation overview and checklist. Make sure you have everything ready for your Vertica configuration.
Before you install Vertica. Read for required prerequisites for all Vertica configurations, including Management Console.
Cloud installations
Vertica supports Management Console for both Enterprise Mode and Eon Mode on supported cloud providers.
Amazon Web Services
Deploy a Management Console instance on AWS with a CloudFormation Template (CFT). After you deploy the MC instance, you can provision an Eon Mode or Enterprise Mode database with AWS resources.
In some environments, you might automate custom MC deployments without the AWS CFT. To automate a custom MC, add the following properties to the /opt/vconsole/config/
vertica.database.mode = eon
cloud.authentication = IAM
mc.iaas = AWS
provisioning.service.enabled = true
Set the cloud.authentication property only if you use IAM roles to authenticate requests. You do not need to set this property if you use access keys.Additionally, complete the following to deploy custom MC instances:
Set the required ports for Vertica and the Management Console. For details, see General Requirements.
Set the IAM role for Vertica and the MC instance. For details, see AWS authentication.
Microsoft Azure
Deploy a Management Console instance from the Azure Marketplace. After you deploy the MC instance, you can provision an Eon Mode database, or monitor an Enterprise Mode database.
Google Cloud Platform
Deploy a Management Consoleinstance on GCP. After you deploy the MC instance, you can provision an Eon Mode database on GCP. For details, see Provision an Eon Mode cluster and database on GCP in MC.
Enterprise Mode or Eon Mode on-premises
Before you install Management Console, review the following hardware, software, and network requirements.
General requirements
Ports: Management Console has the following port requirements:
Port 22 is the default SSH port. The Create Cluster Wizard uses SSH on port 22 when you use MC to create a Vertica.
Port 5444 is the default agent port and must be available for MC-to-node and node-to-node communications.
Port 5450 is the default MC port and must be available for node-to-MC communications.
See Reserved ports for more information about port and firewall considerations.
Firewall: Make sure that a firewall or iptables are not blocking communications between the cluster's database, Management Console, and Management Console agents on each cluster node
IP Address: If you install MC on a server outside the Vertica cluster it will be monitoring, that server must be accessible to at least the public network interfaces on the cluster.
TLS Requirements: The Schannel package must be installed on your Linux environment so TLS can be set up during the MC configuration process. See TLS protocol.
File Permissions: On your local workstation, you must have at least read/write privileges on any files you plan to upload to MC through the Cluster Installation Wizard. These files include the Vertica server package, the license key (if needed), the private key file, and an optional CSV file of IP addresses.
Perl: The MC cluster installer requires Perl 5.
Hardware requirements
You can install MC on any node in the cluster, or its own dedicated node. When running the MC on a node in the cluster, note that MC shares RAM and time on CPU cores with other Vertica processes.
The following table provides minimum and recommended hardware requirements:
Requirements | CPU | RAM | Disk Space |
Minimum | 4-core | 4G | 2G |
Recommended | 8-core | 8G | 2G |
See Disk Space Requirements for Vertica.
Time synchronization and MC's self-signed certificate
When you connect to MC through a client browser, Vertica assigns each HTTPS request a self-signed certificate, which includes a timestamp. To increase security and protect against password replay attacks, the timestamp is valid for several seconds only, after which it expires.
To avoid being blocked out of MC, synchronize time on the hosts in your Vertica cluster, and on the MC host if it resides on a dedicated server. To recover from loss or lack of synchronization, resync system time and the Network Time Protocol.
Installing Management Console
Install Management Console (MC) to manage a new cluster, or add it to an existing cluster.
Download the MC package from the Vertica website:
Save the package to a location on the target server, such as
. -
On the target server, log in as root or a user with sudo privileges.
Change to the directory where you saved the MC package.
Install MC using your local Linux distribution package management system—rpm, yum, zypper, apt, dpkg. For example:
Red Hat 8
# rpm -Uvh vertica-console-current-version.x86_64.rpm
Debian and Ubuntu
# dpkg -i vertica-console-current-version.deb
If you stopped the database before upgrading MC, restart the database.
As the root user, use the following command:
/etc/init.d/verticad start
For versions of Red Hat 8/CentOS 8 and above, run:
# systemctl start verticad
Open a browser and enter the URL of the MC installation, one of the following:
IP address:
Server host name:
By default,
is 5450. -
If MC was not previously configured, the Configuration Wizard dialog box appears. Configuration steps are described in Configuring MC.
If MC was previously configured, Vertica prompts you to accept the end-user license agreement (EULA) when you first log in to MC after the upgrade.
Additionally, you can choose to provide Vertica with analytic information about your MC usage. For details, see Management Console settings.