Provides information about all storage locations with the same label across all cluster nodes.

Provides information about all storage locations with the same label across all cluster nodes. This table lists data totals for all same-name labeled locations.

The system table shows what labeled locations exist on the cluster, as well as other cluster-wide data about the locations.

Column Name Data Type Description
LOCATION_LABEL VARCHAR The label associated with a specific storage location. The storage_tiers system table includes data totals for unlabeled locations, which are considered labeled with empty strings ('').
NODE_COUNT INTEGER The total number of nodes that include a storage location named location_label.

The total number of storage locations named location_label.

This value can differ from node_count if you create labeled locations with the same name at different paths on different nodes. For example:

v_vmart_node0001: Create one labeled location, FAST

V_vmart_node0002: Create two labeled locations, FAST, at different directory paths

In this case, node_count value = 2, while location_count value = 3.

ROS_CONTAINER_COUNT INTEGER The total number of ROS containers stored across all cluster nodes for location_label.
TOTAL_OCCUPIED_SIZE INTEGER The total number of bytes that all ROS containers for location_label occupy across all cluster nodes.



See also