Monitors information about Vertica storage containers.

Monitors information about Vertica storage containers.

Column Name Data Type Description
NODE_NAME* VARCHAR Node name for which information is listed.
NAMESPACE_NAME* VARCHAR For Eon Mode databases, namespace for which information is listed.

Schema name for which information is listed.

If the schema belongs to a non-default namespace in an Eon Mode database, the schema name is front-qualified with the name of the schema's namespace. For example, n1.s refers to schema s in namespace n1.

PROJECTION_ID* INTEGER Unique numeric ID assigned by the Vertica catalog, which identifies the projection.
PROJECTION_NAME* VARCHAR Projection name for which information is listed on that node.
STORAGE_OID* INTEGER Numeric ID assigned by the Vertica catalog, which identifies the storage. The same OID can appear on more than one node.
SAL_STORAGE_ID VARCHAR Unique hexadecimal numeric ID assigned by the Vertica catalog, which identifies the storage.

Total rows in the storage container listed for that projection.

If the database has been resharded, this value will be inaccurate until the Tuple mover realigns the storage containers to the new shard layout.


Total rows in the storage container deleted for that projection.

If the database has been resharded, this value will be inaccurate until the Tuple mover realigns the storage containers to the new shard layout.


Number of bytes in the storage container used to store the compressed projection data. This value should not be compared to the output of the AUDIT function, which returns the raw data size of database objects.

If the database has been resharded, this value will be inaccurate until the Tuple mover realigns the storage containers to the new shard layout.

START_EPOCH* INTEGER Number of the start epoch in the storage container for which information is listed.
END_EPOCH* INTEGER Number of the end epoch in the storage container for which information is listed.

The group by which columns are stored:

  • ALL: All columns are grouped

  • PROJECTION: Columns grouped according to projection definition

  • NONE: No columns grouped, despite grouping in the projection definition

  • OTHER: Some grouping but neither all nor according to projection (e.g., results from add column)

SEGMENT_LOWER_BOUND INTEGER Lower bound of the segment range spanned by the storage container or NULL if the corresponding projection is not elastic.
SEGMENT_UPPER_BOUND INTEGER Upper bound of the segment range spanned by the storage container or NULL if the corresponding projection is not elastic.
LOCATION_LABEL VARCHAR (128) The location label (if any) for the storage container is stored.

The number of delete vectors in the storage container.

If the database has been resharded, this value will be inaccurate until the Tuple mover realigns the storage containers to the new shard layout.

SHARD_ID INTEGER Set only for an Eon Mode database, ID of the shard that this container belongs to.
SHARD_NAME VARCHAR(128) Set only for an Eon Mode database, name of the shard that this container belongs to.
ORIGINAL_SEGMENT_LOWER_BOUND INTEGER The lower bound of a storage container before database re-sharding. This value is set only if the database has been re-sharded and the storage containers have not been realigned with current shard definitions. For details, see RESHARD_DATABASE.
ORIGINAL_SEGMENT_UPPER_BOUND INTEGER The upper bound of a storage container before database re-sharding. This value is set only if the database has been re-sharded and the storage container has not been realigned with current shard definitions. For details, see RESHARD_DATABASE.
DISK_SIZE INTEGER Size in bytes of the compressed data in the storage container.

* Column values cached for faster query performance


Non-superuser: No explicit privileges required. You only see records for tables that you have privileges to view.


The following query identifies any storage containers that have not yet been realigned to the new shard segmentation bounds after running RESHARD_DATABASE:

=> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM storage_containers WHERE original_segment_lower_bound IS NOT NULL AND original_segment_upper_bound IS NOT NULL;