Lists system error messages and warnings Vertica encounters while processing queries.

Lists system error messages and warnings Vertica encounters while processing queries. Some errors occur when no transaction is in progress, so the transaction identifier or statement identifier columns might return NULL.

Column Name Data Type Description
EVENT_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMPTZ Time when the row recorded the event
NODE_NAME VARCHAR Name of the node that is reporting the requested information
USER_ID INTEGER Identifier of the user who received the error message
USER_NAME VARCHAR Name of the user who received the error message when Vertica recorded the session
SESSION_ID VARCHAR Identifier for this session. This identifier is unique within the cluster at any point in time but can be reused when the session closes.
REQUEST_ID INTEGER Unique identifier of the query request in the user session
TRANSACTION_ID INTEGER Identifier for the transaction within the session, if any; otherwise NULL
STATEMENT_ID INTEGER Unique numeric ID for the currently-running statement. NULL indicates that no statement is currently being processed. The combination of TRANSACTION_ID, STATEMENT_ID, and REQUEST_ID uniquely identifies a statement within a session.

Severity of the error, one of the following:

  • LOG

  • INFO








ERROR_CODE INTEGER Error code that Vertica reports
MESSAGE VARCHAR Textual output of the error message
DETAIL VARCHAR Additional information about the error message, in greater detail

Actionable hint about the error. For example:

HINT: Set the locale in this session to en_US@collation=binary using the command "\locale en_US@collation=binary"


Non-superuser: No explicit privileges required. You only see records for tables that you have privileges to view.