Contains information on current user passwords.

Contains information on current user passwords. This table also includes information on past passwords if any Profiles have PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME or PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX parameters set. See CREATE PROFILE for details.

Column Name Data Type Description
USER_ID INTEGER The ID of the user who owns the password.
USER_NAME VARCHAR The name of the user who owns the password.
PASSWORD VARCHAR The hashed password.
PASSWORD_CREATE_TIME DATETIME The date and time when the password was created.
IS_CURRENT_PASSWORD BOOLEAN Denotes whether this is the user's current password. Non-current passwords are retained to enforce password reuse limitations.
PROFILE_ID INTEGER The ID number of the profile to which the user is assigned.
PROFILE_NAME VARCHAR The name of the profile to which the user is assigned.
PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX VARCHAR The number password changes that must take place before an old password can be reused.
PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME VARCHAR The amount of time that must pass before an old password can be reused.
SALT VARCHAR A hex string used to hash the password.


The following query returns the SHA-512 hashed password and salt of user 'u1'.

=> SELECT user_name, password, salt FROM passwords WHERE user_name='u1';
 user_name |                         password                       |               salt
 u1        | sha512f3f802f1c56e2530cd9c3164cc7b8002ba444c0834160f10 | f05e9d859fb441f9f612f8a787bfc872
(1 row)