STV_Intersect transform function

Spatially intersects points and polygons.

Spatially intersects points and polygons. The STV_Intersect transform function returns a tuple with matching point/polygon pairs. For every point, Vertica returns either one or many matching polygons.

You can improve performance when you parallelize the computation of the STV_Intersect transform function over multiple nodes. To parallelize the computation, use an OVER(PARTITION BEST) clause.

Behavior type



STV_Intersect ( { gid | i }, { g | x , y }
         USING PARAMETERS index='index_name')
         OVER() AS (pt_gid, pol_gid)


gid | i
An integer column or integer that uniquely identifies the spatial object(s) of g or x and y.
A geometry or geography (WGS84) column that contains points. The g column can contain only point geometries or geographies. If the column contains a different geometry or geography type, STV_Intersect terminates with an error.
x-coordinate or longitude, FLOAT.
y-coordinate or latitude, FLOAT.


index = 'index_name'
Name of the spatial index, of type VARCHAR.


Unique identifier of the point geometry or geography, of type INTEGER.
Unique identifier of the polygon geometry or geography, of type INTEGER.


The following examples show how you can use STV_Intersect transform.

Using two floats, return the matching point-polygon pairs.

=> CREATE TABLE pols (gid INT, geom GEOMETRY(1000));
=> COPY pols(gid, gx filler LONG VARCHAR, geom AS ST_GeomFromText(gx)) FROM STDIN;
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
>> 1|POLYGON((31 74,8 70,8 50,36 53,31 74))
>> \.
=> SELECT STV_Create_Index(gid, geom USING PARAMETERS index='my_polygons_1', overwrite=true,
                            max_mem_mb=256) OVER() FROM pols;
   type   | polygons | SRID | min_x | min_y | max_x | max_y | info
 GEOMETRY |        1 |    0 |     8 |    50 |    36 |    74 |
(1 row)

=> SELECT STV_Intersect(56, 12.5683, 55.6761 USING PARAMETERS index = 'my_polygons_1') OVER();
 pt_gid | pol_gid
     56 |       1
(1 row)

Using a GEOMETRY column, return the matching point-polygon pairs.

=> CREATE TABLE polygons (gid int, geom GEOMETRY(700));
=> COPY polygons (gid, gx filler LONG VARCHAR, geom AS ST_GeomFromText(gx)) FROM stdin;
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
>> 10|POLYGON((5 5, 5 10, 10 10, 10 5, 5 5))
>> 11|POLYGON((0 0, 0 2, 2 2, 2 0, 0 0))
>> 12|POLYGON((1 1, 1 3, 3 3, 3 1, 1 1))
>> 14|POLYGON((-1 -1, -1 12, 12 12, 12 -1, -1 -1))
>> \.
=> SELECT STV_Create_Index(gid, geom USING PARAMETERS index='my_polygons', overwrite=true, max_mem_mb=256)
      OVER() FROM polygons;
   type   | polygons | SRID | min_x | min_y | max_x | max_y | info
 GEOMETRY |        4 |    0 |    -1 |    -1 |    12 |    12 |
(1 row)

=> CREATE TABLE points (gid INT, geom GEOMETRY(700));
=> COPY points (gid, gx filler LONG VARCHAR, geom AS ST_GeomFromText(gx)) FROM stdin delimiter '|';
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
>> 1|POINT(9 9)
>> 2|POINT(0 1)
>> 3|POINT(2.5 2.5)
>> 4|POINT(0 0)
>> 5|POINT(1 5)
>> 6|POINT(1.5 1.5)
>> \.
=> SELECT STV_Intersect(gid, geom USING PARAMETERS index='my_polygons') OVER (PARTITION BEST)
     AS (point_id, polygon_gid)
        FROM points;
 point_id | polygon_gid
        5 |          14
        1 |          14
        1 |          10
        4 |          14
        4 |          11
        6 |          12
        6 |          14
        6 |          11
        2 |          14
        2 |          11
        3 |          12
        3 |          14
(12 rows)

You can improve query performance by using the STV_Intersect transform function in a WHERE clause. Performance improves because this syntax eliminates all points that do not intersect polygons in the index.

Return the count of points that intersect with the polygon, where gid = 14:

    (SELECT STV_Intersect(gid, geom USING PARAMETERS index='my_polygons')
     OVER (PARTITION BEST) AS (pt_id, pol_id) FROM points)
        AS T WHERE pol_id = 14;
(1 row)

See also