CUME_DIST [analytic]

Calculates the cumulative distribution, or relative rank, of the current row with regard to other rows in the same partition within a .

Calculates the cumulative distribution, or relative rank, of the current row with regard to other rows in the same partition within a window.

CUME_DIST() returns a number greater then 0 and less then or equal to 1, where the number represents the relative position of the specified row within a group of n rows. For a row x (assuming ASC ordering), the CUME_DIST of x is the number of rows with values lower than or equal to the value of x, divided by the number of rows in the partition. For example, in a group of three rows, the cumulative distribution values returned would be 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3.

Behavior type



    [ window-partition-clause ]
    window-order-clause  )


See Analytic Functions.


The following example returns the cumulative distribution of sales for different transaction types within each month of the first quarter.

=> SELECT calendar_month_name AS month, tender_type, SUM(sales_quantity),
   OVER (PARTITION BY calendar_month_name ORDER BY SUM(sales_quantity)) AS
   FROM store.store_sales_fact JOIN date_dimension
   USING(date_key) WHERE calendar_month_name IN ('January','February','March')
   AND tender_type NOT LIKE 'Other'
   GROUP BY calendar_month_name, tender_type;

  month   | tender_type |  SUM   | CUME_DIST
 March    | Credit      | 469858 |      0.25
 March    | Cash        | 470449 |       0.5
 March    | Check       | 473033 |      0.75
 March    | Debit       | 475103 |         1
 January  | Cash        | 441730 |      0.25
 January  | Debit       | 443922 |       0.5
 January  | Check       | 446297 |      0.75
 January  | Credit      | 450994 |         1
 February | Check       | 425665 |      0.25
 February | Debit       | 426726 |       0.5
 February | Credit      | 430010 |      0.75
 February | Cash        | 430767 |         1
(12 rows)

See also