Messages associated with SQLSTATE 54000

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 54000.

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 54000.

SQLSTATE 54000 description


Messages associated with this SQLState

Error messages

ERROR 2052: string Row size value is too large
ERROR 2472: Cannot prepare statement - too many prepared statements
ERROR 3626: Invalid buffer enlargement request size value
ERROR 4282: Operator string may give a value-octet Varbinary result; the
            limit is value octets
ERROR 4283: Operator string may give a value-octet Varchar result; the limit
            is value octets
ERROR 4557: regexp_replace result is too long
ERROR 4913: Target lists can have at most value entries
ERROR 5043: Timezone directory stack overflow
ERROR 5060: Too many data partitions
ERROR 5263: Unsupported access to external table
ERROR 5265: Unsupported access to virtual schema
ERROR 5266: Unsupported access to virtual table
ERROR 5267: Unsupported access to virtual view
ERROR 5749: Array size exceeds the maximum allowed (value)
ERROR 6064: Transaction commit delta is too large (value)
ERROR 6076: Unable to fork to start spread: value
ERROR 6117: Size of compressed serialized plan (value bytes) is too
ERROR 6147: Attempted to return result set too large; exceeds remote
            execution buffer size of value
ERROR 8177: Total size of intermediate columns is too large
ERROR 9688: Function string may give a value-octet result; the limit is value
ERROR 9864: EE5 Temp Relation Full
ERROR 9867: Leaf page size is not large enough
ERROR 10530: Unsupported operation on table with complex types

Warning messages

WARNING 3866: Line is too long in timezone file "string", line value