Messages associated with SQLSTATE 53000

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 53000.

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 53000.

SQLSTATE 53000 description


Messages associated with this SQLState

ERROR 2245: Attempted to create too many ROS containers for projection
ERROR 2843: Could not create thread for recoverProjectionLocal
ERROR 2844: Could not create thread for SubsessionHandler
ERROR 2845: Could not create thread for SubsessionHandler Hurry
ERROR 2997: DBDesigner memory usage (value bytes) exceeded system limit
ERROR 3300: Exceeded temp space cap, requested value with value remaining
            (used value) bytes
ERROR 3416: Filter tried to allocate too much memory (value, out of value
ERROR 3587: Insufficient resources to execute plan on pool string [string]
ERROR 3921: MemoryPool string used more memory than allowed
ERROR 3937: MIN/MAX window function could not operate in memory
ERROR 4764: Source tried to allocate too much memory (value, out of value
ERROR 5000: Thread limit value, but statement needs value threads
ERROR 5001: ThreadManager failed to create thread string: string
ERROR 5022: Timer service failed to run value: string
ERROR 5065: Too many ROS containers exist for the following
            projections: string
ERROR 5921: Insufficient memory available for database designer
ERROR 5924: Insufficient resources to get resource from string pool [string]
ERROR 6941: Result set size (value KB) is too big. Try increasing
            TempSpaceCap (currently value KB)
ERROR 7423: Failed to acquire resources for blob 'string'
ERROR 7700: Attempted to move/copy too many ROS containers for
            projection string
ERROR 8722: The minimal memory required by the query [value KB] exceeds
            the query cap size [value KB]
ERROR 8875: Command queue cannot create the watchdog thread
ERROR 8877: ICQ cannot create execution threads (value requested, value
ERROR 8949: Exceeded temp space maximum for the container cache
ERROR 8950: Exceeded temp space maximum, requested value with value
            remaining (used value) bytes
ERROR 8955: HybridStream reached its maximum capacity of value bytes
ERROR 9511: Memory budget is not enough for partition projection
            operation with group expression

            Current resource pool: string, memory budget: value KB, memory
            required: value KB, Projection: value