Messages associated with SQLSTATE 09000

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 09000.

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 09000.

SQLSTATE 09000 description


Messages associated with this SQLState

Error messages

ERROR 2005: string
ERROR 7353: A problem during the execution of writeModel.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7356: A problem occurred during the execution of a BFGS

            Detail: string
ERROR 7358: A problem occurred during the execution of a MinMax

            Detail: string
ERROR 7359: A problem occurred during the execution of a Newton

            Detail: string
ERROR 7360: A problem occurred during the execution of a robust_zscore

            Detail: string
ERROR 7361: A problem occurred during the execution of a zscore

            Detail: string
ERROR 7362: A problem occurred during the execution of an iteration.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7373: Cannot check if all columns are numeric.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7377: Cannot compute input column list.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7378: Cannot find the current user.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7383: Cannot make inf clause.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7384: Cannot make null clause.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7395: Could not compute evaluation metrics.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7396: Could not create view 'string'.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7497: Problem in balance.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7498: Problem in balance: Unknown exception
ERROR 7503: Problem in detect_outliers.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7504: Problem in detect_outliers: Unknown exception
ERROR 7505: Problem in initializing centers table.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7506: Problem in kmeans.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7507: Problem in kmeans: Unknown exception
ERROR 7516: Problem in normalize.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7517: Problem in normalize: Unknown exception
ERROR 7524: Problem in writing initial model to DFS.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7593: Could not randomly pick value distinct centers after trying
            value times
ERROR 7626: A problem during the execution of computing the number of
            detected outliers.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7731: Problem in calculating alpha for Linear Regression.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7732: Problem in calculating Hessian matrix for Linear

            Detail: string
ERROR 7733: Problem in strongWolfeLineSearch.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7734: Problem in zoom.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7761: A problem during the execution of computing the mad.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7762: A problem during the execution of computing the median.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7763: A problem occurred during the execution of a mad

            Detail: string
ERROR 7764: A problem occurred during the execution of median

            Detail: string
ERROR 7769: Kmeans++ exceeded max number of retries for choosing
            initial center
ERROR 7805: No input columns provided
ERROR 7826: Numeric overflow occurred during execution of kmeans++
ERROR 7827: Numeric overflow occurred when computing total sum of
ERROR 7828: Numeric overflow occurred when computing total within-
            cluster sum of squares
ERROR 7829: Numeric overflow occurred when computing within-cluster
            sum of squares
ERROR 7844: Input table string is empty
ERROR 7845: No input columns left after excluding
ERROR 7851: No rows remain after filtering rows with null and infinity
ERROR 7949: A problem occurred during the execution

            of mode computation.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7961: Problem in impute.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7962: Problem in impute: Unknown exception
ERROR 7975: A problem occurred during training of SVM model.

            Detail: string
ERROR 7988: Input table is empty
ERROR 7992: No rows remain after filtering rows containing NULL, NaN
            or INF
ERROR 8000: Problem in normalize_fit.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8001: Problem in normalize_fit: Unknown exception
ERROR 8020: Unexpected empty result from query
ERROR 8045: A blob container cannot be initialized more than once
ERROR 8046: A problem during the execution of computing the max

            Detail: string
ERROR 8047: A problem during the execution of sse_linear_reg
ERROR 8055: A problem occurred during the execution of computing
            weight table.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8056: A problem occurred during the execution of saving weight
            table to vectors.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8078: Could not link model string to catalog object.

ERROR 8102: Invalid value [string] for parameter [string]. Valid values are
ERROR 8113: Model name cannot be empty
ERROR 8134: Problem in factor function.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8241: A problem occurred during the execution of

            a mode imputation with partition by.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8242: A problem occurred during the execution of

            a mode imputation without partition by.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8243: A problem occurred during the execution of a mean

            imputation with partition by.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8244: A problem occurred during the execution of a mean


            Detail: string
ERROR 8291: A problem occurred during the execution of coordinate
            descent covariance.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8293: A problem occurred during the execution of offsets query
            (averages of all columns).

            Detail: string
ERROR 8301: Parameter [string] cannot be redefined
ERROR 8306: Problem in creating model [string].

            Detail: string
ERROR 8307: Problem in creating model [string]: Unknown exception
ERROR 8308: Problem in cross_validation.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8309: Problem in cross_validation: Unknown exception
ERROR 8315: Type [string] of parameter [string] is not supported
ERROR 8318: Empty string cannot be passed into extra_levels parameter
ERROR 8319: Invalid JSON for extra_levels: [string]
ERROR 8320: Problem in one_hot_encoder_fit.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8321: Problem in one_hot_encoder_fit: Unknown exception
ERROR 8344: Parameter [string] was provided and cannot be included again
            in cv_hyperparams
ERROR 8369: Could not train any tree. Increase sampling_size
ERROR 8399: A problem in model summary.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8405: Could not create catalog object for model [string]

            Detail: string
ERROR 8406: Could not create catalog object for temporary model

            Detail: string
ERROR 8407: Could not link temporary model to catalog object.

ERROR 8420: Problem in creating temporary model.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8421: Problem in creating temporary model: Unknown exception
ERROR 8499: A problem occurred during training of a Naive Bayes model.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8523: One of the folds does not have enough data to train.
            Please try to reduce the number of folds
ERROR 8529: Unsupported model format version for upgrade
ERROR 8565: Relation [string] has no valid rows
ERROR 8566: Relation [string] is empty
ERROR 8572: Error while initializing model upgrade task.

ERROR 8577: Error while upgrade models.

ERROR 8590: Schema value not found
ERROR 8626: A problem occurred during training of PCA model.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8627: A problem occurred during training of SVD model.

            Detail: string
ERROR 8732: Input relation [string] is empty
ERROR 9090: Subcluster is already set to default
ERROR 9263: A problem occurred during the execution of a kmeans

            Detail: string
ERROR 9267: Could not randomly pick value distinct centers after trying
            value times:Number of clusters must not be bigger than the
            number of distinct rows without null or infinity values
ERROR 9278: Only found less than 2 centers during a bisection. You may
            want to try again; or there may be fewer than k distinct
            data points in the table
ERROR 9279: Problem in writing initial kmeans model to DFS.

            Detail: string
ERROR 9415: Invalid model category: string
ERROR 9416: Invalid model type: string
ERROR 9450: Failed to import model(s): string
ERROR 9477: Unknown exception in importing model(s)
ERROR 9807: The columns [string] is empty
ERROR 9808: The total number of categories in all input columns must
            be less than value, but it is value
ERROR 9970: Problem in one_hot_encoder_fit.

            Detail: stringstringstring
ERROR 10127: Could not train any tree, increase sampling_size
ERROR 10300: A problem occurred during the execution of a Moving
             Average iteration.

             Detail: string
ERROR 10435: A problem occurred while deleting temp DFS files.

             Detail: string

Warning messages

WARNING 2005: string
WARNING 7784: Could not remove blob named string.

              Detail: Unexpected exception
WARNING 7785: Could not remove the blob named string.

              Detail: string
WARNING 7858: Only found value non-empty clusters. You may want to try
              again or use a better set of initial centers; or there
              may be fewer than k distinct datapoints in the table
WARNING 8346: The total number of models to be trained is very large
              [value]. It could take very long time to finish
WARNING 8507: Could not upgrade model to latest version, during
              import. Please run upgrade_model().

WARNING 8508: Could not upgrade model to latest version, during
              import. Please run upgrade_model(). Unknown Exception
WARNING 8571: Cannot upgrade an incomplete model: [value]. Skipping
              this model
WARNING 8573: Error while performing upgrade for model: string.

              Details:Model file: string does not exist
WARNING 8574: Error while performing upgrade for model[value].

              Details: Model does not exist
WARNING 8575: Error while performing upgrade for model[value].

WARNING 8576: Error while performing upgrade.

WARNING 8714: Error while performing upgrade for model: string.

              Details:Model root directory does not exist
WARNING 9322: Only found 1 cluster during bisection step value. You may
              want to try again; or there may be fewer than k distinct
              data points in the table
WARNING 10413: Kmeans not converged in the kmeans trial value of
               bisection step value (out of value) before
               kmeans_max_iterations value