C++ SDK Documentation  24.2.0
Basics Namespace Reference

basic utilities mainly for data types. More...


struct  BigInt
struct  FiveToScale
struct  Uuid


NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT uint64 NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT accumulateNN (void *outBuf, const void *buf1, int nWords)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT uint64 NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT addNN (void *outBuf, const void *buf1, const void *buf2, int nWords)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT int NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT compareNN (const void *buf1, const void *buf2, int nWords)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT long double NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT convertPosToFloatNN (const void *bbuf, int bwords)
bool DivideBignumStep (uint64 hi, uint64 lo, uint64 d, uint64 &_q, uint64 &_r)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT uint64 NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT divUnsignedN1 (void *qbuf, int qw, int round, const void *ubuf, int uw, uint64 v)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT void NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT divUnsignedNN (void *qbuf, int qw, int round, uint64 *rbuf, int rw, const void *ubuf, int uw, const void *vbuf, int vw)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT void NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT fromIntNN (void *buf, int nWords, int64 val)
int32 getNumericLength (int32 attr)
 Get Numeric data length from typmod.
int32 getNumericLength (Typemod typmod)
int32 getNumericPrecision (int32 attr)
 Get Numeric precision from typmod.
int32 getNumericPrecision (Typemod typmod)
int32 getNumericScale (int32 attr)
 Get Numeric scale from typmod.
int32 getNumericScale (Typemod typmod)
int32 getNumericWordCount (int32 precision)
 Get Numeric word count from precision.
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT void NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT incrementNN (void *buf, int nWords)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT void NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT invertSign (void *buf, int nWords)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT bool NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT isEqualNN (const void *buf1, const void *buf2, int nWords)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT bool NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT isNull (const void *buf, int nWords)
bool isSimilarNumericTypmod (int32 attra, int32 attrb)
 Return true if these have the same EE representation.
bool isSimilarNumericTypmod (Typemod a, Typemod b)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT bool NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT isZero (const void *buf, int nWords)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT void NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT mulUnsignedN1 (void *obuf, const void *ubuf, int uw, uint64 v)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT void NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT mulUnsignedNN (void *obuf, const void *buf1, int nw1, const void *buf2, int nw2)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT void NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT numericMultiply (const uint64 *pa, int nwdsa, const uint64 *pb, int nwdsb, uint64 *outNum, int nwdso)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT ifloat NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT numericToFloat (const void *buf, int nwds, ifloat tenthtoscale)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT void NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT shiftLeftNN (void *buf, unsigned nw, unsigned bitsToShift)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT void NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT shiftRightNN (void *buf, unsigned nw, unsigned bitsToShift)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT void NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT subNN (void *outBuf, const void *buf1, const void *buf2, int nWords)
 Subtract 2 numbers w/ same number of digits No null handling.
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT bool NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT toIntNN (int64 &out, const void *buf, int nWords)
NUMERIC_ROUTINES_PRE_RT int NUMERIC_ROUTINES_POST_RT usedWordsUnsigned (const void *buf, int nWords)
void writeAndExtendNumeric (const uint64_t *src, int32_t nSrcWords, uint64_t *dst, int32_t nDstWords)

Detailed Description

basic utilities mainly for data types.