
Configures basic backup settings.

Configures basic backup settings.


Path name of the password configuration file, ignored if dbUseLocalConnection (under [Database] is set to true.
Number of earlier backups to retain with the most recent backup. If set to 1 (the default), Vertica maintains two backups: the latest backup and the one before it.

Default: 1

Base name of the backup used in the directory tree structure that vbr creates for each node, containing up to 240 characters limited to the following:
  • a–z

  • A–Z

  • 0–9

  • Hyphen (-)

  • Underscore (_)

Each iteration in this series (up to restorePointLimit) consists of snapshotName and the backup timestamp. Each series of backups should have a unique and descriptive snapshot name. Full and object-level backups cannot share names. For most vbr tasks, snapshotName serves as a useful identifier in diagnostics and system tables. For object restore and replication tasks, snapshotName is used to build schema names in coexist mode operations.

Default: snapshotName

Absolute path to a temporary storage area on the cluster nodes. This path must be the same on all database cluster nodes. vbr uses this directory as temporary storage for log files, lock files, and other bookkeeping information while it copies files from the source cluster node to the destination backup location. vbr also writes backup logs to this location.

The file system at this location must support fcntl lockf (POSIX) file locking.

Default: /tmp/vbr

If true, all foreign key constraints are unconditionally dropped during object-level restore. You can then restore database objects independent of their foreign key dependencies.

Default: false

If true (default) or omitted, vbr confirms that the specified backup locations contain sufficient free space to allow a successful backup. If a backup location has insufficient resources, vbr displays an error message and cancels the backup. If vbr cannot determine the amount of available space or number of nodes in the backup directory, it displays a warning and continues with the backup.

Default: true

Database objects and wildcard patterns to exclude from the set specified by includeObjects. Unicode characters are case-sensitive; others are not.

This parameter can be set only if includeObjects is also set.

(Eon Mode on HDFS with high availability (HA) nodes only) Directory path containing the XML configuration files copied from Hadoop.

If the vbr operation includes more than one HA HDFS cluster, use a colon-separated list to provide the directory paths to the XML configuration files for each HA HDFS cluster. For example:

hadoop_conf_dir = path/to/xml-config-hahdfs1:path/to/xml-config-hahdfs2

This value must match the HadoopConfDir value set in the bootstrapping file created during installation.

Database objects and wildcard patterns to include with a backup task. You can use this parameter together with excludeObjects. Unicode characters are case-sensitive; others are not.

The includeObjects and objects parameters are mutually exclusive.

(Eon Mode on HDFS only) Location of the keytab file that contains credentials for the Vertica Kerberos principal.

This value must match the KerberosKeytabFile value set in the bootstrapping file created during installation.

(Eon Mode on HDFS only) Realm portion of the Vertica Kerberos principal.

This value must match the KerberosRealm value set in the bootstrapping file created during installation.

(Eon Mode on HDFS only) Service name portion of the Vertica Kerberos principal.

This value must match the KerberosServiceName value set in the bootstrapping file created during installation.

Default: vertica

How vbr handles objects of the same name when restoring schema or table backups, one of the following:
  • createOrReplace: vbr creates any objects that do not exist. If an object does exist, vbr overwrites it with the version from the archive.

  • create: vbr creates any objects that do not exist and does not replace existing objects. If an object being restored does exist, the restore fails.

  • coexist: vbr creates the restored version of each object with a name formatted as follows:backup_timestamp_objectname

    This approach allows existing and restored objects to exist simultaneously. If the appended information pushes the schema name past the maximum length of 128 characters, Vertica truncates the name. You can perform a reverse lookup of the original schema name by querying the system table TRUNCATED_SCHEMATA.

    Tables named in the COPY clauses of data loaders are not changed. You can use ALTER DATA LOADER to rename target tables.

In all modes, vbr restores data with the current epoch. Object restore mode settings do not apply to backups and full restores.

Default: createOrReplace

For an object-level backup or object replication, object (schema or table) names to include. To specify more than one object, enter multiple names in a comma-delimited list. If you specify no objects, vbr creates a full backup.

This parameter cannot be used together with the parameters includeObjects and excludeObjects.

You specify objects as follows:

  • Specify table names in the form schema.objectname. For example, to make backups of the table customers from the schema finance, enter: finance.customers

    If a public table and a schema have the same name, vbr backs up only the schema. Use the schema.objectname convention to avoid confusion.

  • Object names can include UTF-8 alphanumeric characters. Object names cannot include escape characters, single- (') or double-quote (") characters.

  • Specify non-alphanumeric characters with a backslash () followed by a hex value. For instance, if the table name is my table (my followed by a space character, then table), enter the object name as follows:


  • If an object name includes a period, enclose the name with double quotes.