C++ SDK Documentation  24.1.0
Vertica::VNumericTemp< Alloc > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for Vertica::VNumericTemp< Alloc >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Vertica::VNumericTemp< Alloc >:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 VNumericTemp (int32 precision, int32 scale, const Alloc &alloc=Alloc())
 VNumericTemp (Typemod typmod, const Alloc &alloc=Alloc())
 VNumericTemp (int32 attr, const Alloc &alloc=Alloc())
 VNumericTemp (VNumericTemp &&from)
void accumulate (const VNumeric *from)
 Adds another VNumeric to this VNumeric.
void add (const VNumeric *a, const VNumeric *b)
int compare (const VNumeric *from) const
 Compares this (signed) VNumeric to another. More...
int compareUnsigned (const VNumeric *from) const
 Compares this (unsigned) VNumeric to another. More...
bool copy (const VNumeric *from, bool throw_error=true)
 Copy data from another VNumeric. More...
bool copy (ifloat value, bool round=true)
 Copy data from a floating-point number. More...
void div (const VNumeric *a, const VNumeric *b)
bool equal (const VNumeric *from) const
 Indicates whether some other VNumeric is equal to this one.
int32 getPrecision () const
int32 getScale () const
void incr ()
void invertSign ()
 Inverts the sign of this VNumeric (equivalent to multiplying this VNumeric by -1)
bool isNeg () const
 Indicates if this VNumeric is negative.
bool isNull () const
 Indicates if this VNumeric is the SQL NULL value.
bool isZero () const
 Indicates if this VNumeric is zero.
void mul (const VNumeric *a, const VNumeric *b)
VNumericTempoperator*= (const VNumeric &other)
VNumericTempoperator+= (const VNumeric &other)
VNumericTempoperator-= (const VNumeric &other)
VNumericTempoperator/= (const VNumeric &other)
bool operator< (const VNumeric &other) const
VNumericTempoperator<<= (unsigned shift)
bool operator<= (const VNumeric &other) const
VNumericTempoperator= (const VNumericTemp &other)
VNumericTempoperator= (const VNumeric &other)
bool operator== (const VNumeric &other) const
bool operator> (const VNumeric &other) const
bool operator>= (const VNumeric &other) const
VNumericTempoperator>>= (unsigned shift)
void setNull ()
 Sets this VNumeric to the SQL NULL value.
void setZero ()
 Sets this VNumeric to zero.
void shiftLeft (unsigned bitsToShift)
void shiftRight (unsigned bitsToShift)
void sub (const VNumeric *a, const VNumeric *b)
ifloat toFloat () const
 Convert the VNumeric value into floating-point. More...
size_t toString (char *outBuf, int olen) const

Static Public Member Functions

static int32 getCoveringTypeMod (int32 attra, int32 attrb)

Detailed Description

template<class Alloc = std::allocator<uint64>>
class Vertica::VNumericTemp< Alloc >

Represents an intermediate result in an arithmetic expression of VNumerics

Member Function Documentation

◆ compare()

int Vertica::VNumeric::compare ( const VNumeric from) const

Compares this (signed) VNumeric to another.

-1 if this < other, 0 if equal, 1 if this > other
SQL NULL compares less than anything else; two SQL NULLs are considered equal

◆ compareUnsigned()

int Vertica::VNumeric::compareUnsigned ( const VNumeric from) const

Compares this (unsigned) VNumeric to another.

-1 if this < other, 0 if equal, 1 if this > other
SQL NULL compares less than anything else; two SQL NULLs are considered equal

◆ copy() [1/2]

bool Vertica::VNumeric::copy ( const VNumeric from,
bool  throw_error = true 

Copy data from another VNumeric.

fromThe source VNumeric
throw_errorWhether to throw an exception if the coercion fails
true if the coercion succeeded, false otherwise (if throw_error is false)

◆ copy() [2/2]

bool Vertica::VNumeric::copy ( ifloat  value,
bool  round = true 

Copy data from a floating-point number.

valueThe source floating-point number
roundTruncates if false; otherwise the numeric result is rounded
false if conversion failed (precision lost or overflow, etc); true otherwise

◆ getCoveringTypeMod()

template<class Alloc = std::allocator<uint64>>
static int32 Vertica::VNumericTemp< Alloc >::getCoveringTypeMod ( int32  attra,
int32  attrb 
the typmod needed for a result of adding/subtracting numeric values with typmods a and b respectively

◆ toFloat()

ifloat Vertica::VNumeric::toFloat ( ) const

Convert the VNumeric value into floating-point.

the value in 80-bit floating-point