The flex table data helper functions supply information you need to directly query data in flex tables. After you compute keys and create views from the raw data, you can use field names directly in queries instead of using map functions to extract data. The fata functions are:
COMPUTE_FLEXTABLE_KEYS: Computes map keys from the map data in a flex table and populates a keys table with the results. Use this function before building a view.
BUILD_FLEXTABLE_VIEW: Uses the keys in a table to create a view definition for the source table. Use this function after computing flex table keys.
RESTORE_FLEXTABLE_DEFAULT_KEYS_TABLE_AND_VIEW: Replaces the flextable_data_keys table and the flextable_data_view view, linking both the keys table and the view to the parent flex table.
Flex table dependencies
Each flex table has two dependent objects, a keys table and a view. While both objects are dependent on their parent table, you can drop either object independently. Dropping the parent table removes both dependents, without a CASCADE option.
Associating flex tables and views
The helper functions automatically use the dependent table and view if they are internally linked with the parent table. You create both when you create the flex table. You can drop either the keys table or the view and re-create objects of the same name. However, if you do so, the new objects are not internally linked with the parent flex table.
In this case, you can restore the internal links of these objects to the parent table. To do so, drop the keys table and the view before calling the RESTORE_FLEXTABLE_DEFAULT_KEYS_TABLE_AND_VIEW function. Calling this function re-creates the keys table and view.
The remaining helper functions perform the tasks described in this section.
Creates, or re-creates, a view for a default or user-defined keys table, ignoring any empty keys.
Creates, or re-creates, a view for a default or user-defined keys table, ignoring any empty keys.
If the length of a key exceeds 65,000, Vertica truncates the key.
This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.
Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.
The flex table name. By default, this function builds or rebuilds a view for the input table with the current contents of the associated flex_table_keys table.
A custom view name. Use this option to build a new view for flex-table with the name you specify.
Name of a keys table from which to create the view. Use this option if you created a custom keys table from the flex table map data, rather than from the default flex_table_keys table. The function builds a view from the keys in user_keys, rather than from flex_table_keys.
The following examples show how to call BUILD_FLEXTABLE_VIEW with 1, 2, or 3 arguments.
To create, or re-create, a default view:
Call the function with an input flex table:
The view public.darkdata_view is ready for querying
(1 row)
The function creates a view with the default name (darkdata_view) from the darkdata_keys table.
To create, or re-create, a view with a custom name:
Call the function with two arguments, an input flex table, darkdata, and the name of the view to create, dd_view:
=> SELECT BUILD_FLEXTABLE_VIEW('darkdata', 'dd_view');
The view public.dd_view is ready for querying
(1 row)
Query a key name (user.lang) from the new or updated view (dd_view):
=> SELECT "user.lang" FROM dd_view;
(12 rows)
To create a view from a custom keys table with BUILD_FLEXTABLE_VIEW, the custom table must have the same schema and table definition as the default table (darkdata_keys). Create a custom keys table, using any of these three approaches:
Create a columnar table with all keys from the default keys table for a flex table (darkdata_keys):
=> CREATE TABLE new_darkdata_keys AS SELECT * FROMdarkdata_keys;
Create a columnar table without content (LIMIT 0) from the default keys table for a flex table (darkdata_keys):
=> CREATE TABLE new_darkdata_keys AS SELECT * FROM darkdata_keys LIMIT 0;
kdb=> SELECT * FROM new_darkdata_keys;
key_name | frequency | data_type_guess
(0 rows)
Create a columnar table without content (LIMIT 0) from the default keys table, and insert two values ('user.lang', '') into the key_name column:
=> CREATE TABLE dd_keys AS SELECT * FROM darkdata_keys limit 0;
=> INSERT INTO dd_keys (key_name) values ('user.lang');
(1 row)
=> INSERT INTO dd_keys (key_name) values ('');
(1 row)
=> SELECT * FROM dd_keys;
key_name | frequency | data_type_guess
user.lang | | | |
(2 rows)
After creating a custom keys table, call BUILD_FLEXTABLE_VIEW with all arguments (an input flex table, the new view name, the custom keys table):
=> SELECT BUILD_FLEXTABLE_VIEW('darkdata', 'dd_view', 'dd_keys');
The view public.dd_view is ready for querying
(1 row)
Computes the virtual columns (keys and values) from flex table VMap data.
Computes the virtual columns (keys and values) from flex table VMap data. Use this function to compute keys without creating an associated table view. To also build a view, use COMPUTE_FLEXTABLE_KEYS_AND_BUILD_VIEW.
This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.
Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.
Name of the flex table.
The function stores its results in a table named flex-table_keys. The table has the following columns:
The name of the virtual column (key). Keys larger than 65,000 bytes are truncated.
The number of times the key occurs in the VMap.
Estimate of the data type for the key based on the non-null values found in the VMap. The function determines the type of each non-string value, depending on the length of the key, and whether the key includes nested maps. If the EnableBetterFlexTypeGuessing configuration parameter is 0 (OFF), this function instead treats all flex table keys as string types ([LONG] VARCHAR or [LONG] VARBINARY).
COMPUTE_FLEXTABLE_KEYS sets the column width for keys to the length of the largest value for each key multiplied by the FlexTableDataTypeGuessMultiplier factor.
In the following example, JSON data with consistent fields has been loaded into a flex table. Had the data been more varied, you would see different numbers of occurrences in the keys table:
Combines the functionality of BUILD_FLEXTABLE_VIEW and COMPUTE_FLEXTABLE_KEYS to compute virtual columns (keys) from the VMap data of a flex table and construct a view.
Combines the functionality of BUILD_FLEXTABLE_VIEW and COMPUTE_FLEXTABLE_KEYS to compute virtual columns (keys) from the VMap data of a flex table and construct a view. Creating a view with this function ignores empty keys. If you do not need to perform both operations together, use one of the single-operation functions instead.
If the length of a key exceeds 65,000, Vertica truncates the key.
This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.
This example shows how to call the function for the darkdata flex table.
Please see public.darkdata_keys for updated keys
The view public.darkdata_view is ready for querying
(1 row)
Materializes virtual columns listed as key_names in the flextable_keys table you compute using either COMPUTE_FLEXTABLE_KEYS or COMPUTE_FLEXTABLE_KEYS_AND_BUILD_VIEW.
Each column that you materialize with this function counts against the data storage limit of your license. To check your Vertica license compliance, call the AUDIT() or AUDIT_FLEX() functions.
This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.
Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.
The name of the flex table with columns to materialize. The function:
Skips any columns already materialized
Ignores any empty keys
The number of columns to materialize, up to 9800. The function attempts to materialize the number of columns from the keys table, skipping any columns already materialized. It orders the materialized results by frequency, descending. If not specified, the default is a maximum of 50 columns.
The name of a keys from which to materialize columns. The function:
Materializes n-columns columns from the keys table
Skips any columns already materialized
Orders the materialized results by frequency, descending
The following example shows how to call MATERIALIZE_FLEXTABLE_COLUMNS to materialize columns. First, load a sample file of tweets (tweets_10000.json) into the flex table twitter_r. After loading data and computing keys for the sample flex table, call MATERIALIZE_FLEXTABLE_COLUMNS to materialize the first four columns:
=> COPY twitter_r FROM '/home/release/KData/tweets_10000.json' parser fjsonparser();
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
=> SELECT compute_flextable_keys ('twitter_r');
Please see public.twitter_r_keys for updated keys
(1 row)
The following columns were added to the table public.twitter_r:
For more details, run the following query:
SELECT * FROM v_catalog.materialize_flextable_columns_results WHERE table_schema = 'public' and table_name = 'twitter_r';
(1 row)
The last message in the example recommends querying the MATERIALIZE_FLEXTABLE_COLUMNS_RESULTS system table for the results of materializing the columns, as shown:
=> SELECT * FROM v_catalog.materialize_flextable_columns_results WHERE table_schema = 'public' and table_name = 'twitter_r';
table_id | table_schema | table_name | creation_time | key_name | status | message
45035996273733172 | public | twitter_r | 2013-11-20 17:00:27.945484-05| contributors | ADDED | Added successfully
45035996273733172 | public | twitter_r | 2013-11-20 17:00:27.94551-05 | entities.hashtags | ADDED | Added successfully
45035996273733172 | public | twitter_r | 2013-11-20 17:00:27.945519-05| entities.urls | ADDED | Added successfully
45035996273733172 | public | twitter_r | 2013-11-20 17:00:27.945532-05| created_at | EXISTS | Column of same name already
(4 rows)
Restores the keys table and the view. The function also links the keys table with its associated flex table, in cases where either table is dropped. The function also indicates whether it restored one or both objects.
This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.
This example shows how to invoke this function with an existing flex table, restoring both the keys table and view:
The keys table public.darkdata_keys was restored successfully.
The view public.darkdata_view was restored successfully.
(1 row)
This example illustrates that the function restored darkdata_view, but that darkdata_keys did not need restoring:
The keys table public.darkdata_keys already exists and is linked to darkdata.
The view public.darkdata_view was restored successfully.
(1 row)
After restoring the keys table, there is no content. To populate the flex keys, call the COMPUTE_FLEXTABLE_KEYS function.
=> SELECT * FROM darkdata_keys;
key_name | frequency | data_type_guess
(0 rows)