Moving models to another schema

You can move a model from one schema to another with ALTER MODEL.

You can move a model from one schema to another with ALTER MODEL. You can move the model as a superuser or user with USAGE privileges on the current schema and CREATE privileges on the destination schema.


The following example shows how you can use ALTER MODEL to change the model schema:

  1. Find the model you want to alter.

    => SELECT * FROM V_CATALOG.MODELS WHERE model_name='mykmeansmodel';
    -[ RECORD 1 ]--+------------------------------------------
    model_id       | 45035996273816618
    model_name     | mykmeansmodel
    schema_id      | 45035996273704978
    schema_name    | public
    owner_id       | 45035996273704962
    owner_name     | dbadmin
    category       | VERTICA_MODELS
    model_type     | kmeans
    is_complete    | t
    create_time    | 2017-03-02 11:16:04.990626-05
    size           | 964
  2. Change the model schema.

    => ALTER MODEL mykmeansmodel SET SCHEMA test;
         ALTER MODEL
  3. Review V_CATALOG.MODELS to verify that the owner was changed.

    => SELECT * FROM V_CATALOG.MODELS WHERE model_name='mykmeansmodel';
    -[ RECORD 1 ]--+------------------------------------------
    model_id       | 45035996273816618
    model_name     | mykmeansmodel
    schema_id      | 45035996273704978
    schema_name    | test
    owner_id       | 45035996273704962
    owner_name     | dbadmin
    category       | VERTICA_MODELS
    model_type     | kmeans
    is_complete    | t
    create_time    | 2017-03-02 11:16:04.990626-05
    size           | 964