Java SDK Documentation  23.3.0
com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface Class Referenceabstract
Collaboration diagram for com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

String getCurrentNodeName ()
String getDatabaseName ()
HashMap< String, String > getDependencies ()
long getFunctionOid ()
String getLocale ()
String getNodeName ()
ParamReader getParamReader ()
ParamReader getSessionParamReader ()
Map< String, Object > getSessionStorage ()
ParamReader getUDSessionParamReader (String nsp)
ParamReader getUDSessionParamReader ()
SessionParamReaderMap getUDSessionParamReaderMap ()
String getUserName ()
void log (String format, Object...args)
void setDependencies (HashMap< String, String > depends)
void setFunctionOid (long oid)
void setParamReader (ParamReader paramReader)
void setSessionParamReader (ParamReader sessionParamReader)
void setUDSessionParameterMap (SessionParamReaderMap udSessionParams)
void setupInformation (String sqlName, ParamReader paramReader, ParamReader sessionParamReader, String locale, String userName, String nodeName, String dbName, FileManager fileManager)

Public Attributes

FileManager fileManager

Protected Member Functions

abstract void vlog (String logEntry)

Detailed Description

Provides UDxs with access to the Vertica server.

Vertica passes a ServerInterface instance to the setup(), destroy(), and main processing functions of each UDx. Key methods for UDx use include log() (to write to the Vertica log), getParamReader(), setParamReader(), getSessionParamReader(), and setSessionParamReader().

Member Function Documentation

String com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.getDatabaseName ( )
the name of the database in which this code is executed.
long com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.getFunctionOid ( )
the function Oid
String com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.getLocale ( )
the locale of the current session.
String com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.getNodeName ( )
the name of the vertica node on which this code is executed.
ParamReader com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.getParamReader ( )
The ParamReader that allows accessing parameter values using their names
ParamReader com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.getSessionParamReader ( )
The SessionParamReader that allows accessing session parameter values using their names
ParamReader com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.getUDSessionParamReader ( String  nsp)
nspthe namespace
the UDSessionParamReader for the namespace
ParamReader com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.getUDSessionParamReader ( )
The UDSessionParamReader for the default namespace
SessionParamReaderMap com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.getUDSessionParamReaderMap ( )
the UDSessionParamReaderMap
String com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.getUserName ( )
the username of the current session.
void com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.log ( String  format,
Object...  args 

Writes a message to a log file stored in the UDxLogs directory of the database's catalog directory. The SQL name of the UDx is added to the log message, along with the string [UserMessage] to mark the entry as a message added by a call to this method.

formata printf-style format string specifying the log message format.
argsthe arguments for the format
void com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.setFunctionOid ( long  oid)

Set the function Oid

oidthe function oid to set
void com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.setParamReader ( ParamReader  paramReader)

Set the paramReader of this ServerInterface when delayed creation is required Used by the code when delayed creation of the parameters is needed Users should not call this function

paramReaderthe reader to set
void com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.setSessionParamReader ( ParamReader  sessionParamReader)

Set the sessionParamReader of this ServerInterface

sessionParamReaderthe reader to set
void com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.setUDSessionParameterMap ( SessionParamReaderMap  udSessionParams)

Set the UDSessionParamReaderMap

udSessionParamsparameters to set
abstract void com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.vlog ( String  logEntry)
protectedpure virtual

Callback for logging, implemented by the server

logEntrystring to log

Referenced by com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.log().

Member Data Documentation

FileManager com.vertica.sdk.ServerInterface.fileManager

File manager of the session context