
从数据库移除子群集会从 Vertica 编录中删除子群集。在移除期间,Vertica 从数据库移除子群集中的所有节点。这些节点仍是数据库群集的一部分,但不再是数据库的一部分。如果您在 MC 中查看群集,您将看到这些节点的状态为“待机 (STANDBY)”。通过将它们添加到另一个子群集,可以将它们添加回数据库。请参阅创建子群集将新节点添加到子群集

Vertica 对移除子群集有一些限制:

  • 您不能移除 默认子群集。如果希望移除设为默认值的子群集,则必须将另一个子群集设为默认值。有关详细信息,请参阅更改默认子群集

  • 不能移除数据库中的最后一个 主子群集。数据库必须始终至少有一个主子群集。

要移除子群集,请使用 admintools 命令行 db_remove_subcluster 工具:

$ adminTools -t db_remove_subcluster -h
Usage: db_remove_subcluster [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DB, --database=DB  Name of database to be modified
  -c SCNAME, --subcluster=SCNAME
                        Name of subcluster to be removed
                        Database password in single quotes
                        set a timeout (in seconds) to wait for actions to
                        complete ('never') will wait forever (implicitly sets
  -i, --noprompts       do not stop and wait for user input(default false).
                        Setting this implies a timeout of 20 min.
                        Caution: this option will force you to do a manual
                        cleanup. This option skips directory deletion during
                        remove subcluster. This is best used in a cloud
                        environment where the hosts being removed will be
                        subsequently discarded.

此示例移除名为 analytics_cluster 的子群集:

$ adminTools -t db_remove_subcluster -d verticadb -c analytics_cluster -p 'password'
Found node v_verticadb_node0004 in subcluster analytics_cluster
Found node v_verticadb_node0005 in subcluster analytics_cluster
Found node v_verticadb_node0006 in subcluster analytics_cluster
Found node v_verticadb_node0007 in subcluster analytics_cluster
Waiting for rebalance shards. We will wait for at most 36000 seconds.
Rebalance shards polling iteration number [0], started at [17:09:35], time
    out at [03:09:35]
Attempting to drop node v_verticadb_node0004 ( )
    Shutting down node v_verticadb_node0004
    Sending node shutdown command to '['v_verticadb_node0004', '',
        '/vertica/data', '/vertica/data']'
    Deleting catalog and data directories
    Update admintools metadata for v_verticadb_node0004
    Eon mode detected. The node v_verticadb_node0004 has been removed from
        host To remove the node metadata completely, please clean
        up the files corresponding to this node, at the communal location:
Attempting to drop node v_verticadb_node0005 ( )
    Shutting down node v_verticadb_node0005
    Sending node shutdown command to '['v_verticadb_node0005', '',
        '/vertica/data', '/vertica/data']'
    Deleting catalog and data directories
    Update admintools metadata for v_verticadb_node0005
    Eon mode detected. The node v_verticadb_node0005 has been removed from
        host To remove the node metadata completely, please clean
        up the files corresponding to this node, at the communal location:
Attempting to drop node v_verticadb_node0006 ( )
    Shutting down node v_verticadb_node0006
    Sending node shutdown command to '['v_verticadb_node0006', '',
        '/vertica/data', '/vertica/data']'
    Deleting catalog and data directories
    Update admintools metadata for v_verticadb_node0006
    Eon mode detected. The node v_verticadb_node0006 has been removed from
        host To remove the node metadata completely, please clean
        up the files corresponding to this node, at the communal location:
Attempting to drop node v_verticadb_node0007 ( )
    Shutting down node v_verticadb_node0007
    Sending node shutdown command to '['v_verticadb_node0007', '',
        '/vertica/data', '/vertica/data']'
    Deleting catalog and data directories
    Update admintools metadata for v_verticadb_node0007
    Eon mode detected. The node v_verticadb_node0007 has been removed from
        host To remove the node metadata completely, please clean
        up the files corresponding to this node, at the communal location:
    Reload spread configuration
    Replicating configuration to all nodes
    Checking database state
    Node Status: v_verticadb_node0001: (UP) v_verticadb_node0002: (UP)
        v_verticadb_node0003: (UP)
Communal storage detected: syncing catalog