
管理 API 需要使用名为 VerticaAPIKEY 的身份验证密钥来访问某些 API 资源。可以使用 apikeymgr 命令行工具管理 API 密钥。

usage: apikeymgr [-h] [--user REQUESTOR] [--app APPLICATION] [--delete]
                 [--create] [--update] [--migrate]
                 [--secure {restricted,normal,admin}] [--list]

API key management tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user REQUESTOR      The name of the person requesting the key
  --app APPLICATION     The name of the application that will use the key
  --delete              Delete the key for the given R & A
  --create              Create a key for the given R & A
  --update              Update a key for the given R & A
  --migrate             migrate the keyset to the latest format
  --secure {restricted,normal,admin}
                        Set the keys security level
  --list                List all the keys known


若要为 dbadmin 用户创建具有 admin 访问权限的新的 VerticaAPIKEY,请输入以下命令:

$ apikeymgr --user dbadmin --app vertica --create --secure admin


Requestor  : dbadmin
Application: vertica
API Key    : ValidAPIKey
Synchronizing cluster...