JDBC 中的复杂类型

java.sql 查询的结果存储在 ResultSet 中。如果 ResultSet 包含复杂类型的列,您可以使用以下方法之一检索它:

  • 对于 ARRAYSETMAP 类型的列,使用 getArray(),它返回一个 java.sql.Array

  • 对于 ROW 类型的列,使用 getObject(),它返回一个 java.sql.Struct


java.sql.Arrayjava.sql.Struct 对象都有其自己的用于访问复杂类型数据的 API。在每种情况下,数据都以 java.lang.Object 的形式返回,其类型需要强制转换为 Java 类型。预期的确切 Java 类型取决于复杂类型定义中使用的 Vertica 类型,如下面的类型转换表所示:


例如,以下方法运行返回某些 Vertica 类型的 ARRAY 的查询,然后在使用 getArray() 检索时这些类型由 JDBC 驱动程序强制转换为其对应 Java 类型的数组。此特定示例以 ARRAY[INT] 和 ARRAY[FLOAT] 开头,因此其类型分别强制转换为由类型转换表确定的 Long[]Double[]

  • getArrayResultSetExample() 显示了如何将 ARRAY 处理为 java.sql.ResultSet。此示例使用 getResultSet() 将底层数组作为另一个 ResultSet 返回。您可以使用此底层 ResultSet 执行以下操作:

    • 检索父 ResultSet

    • 将其视为 Object 数组或 ResultSet

  • getArrayObjectExample() 展示了如何将 ARRAY 作为原生 Java 数组进行处理。此示例使用 getArray() 将底层数组作为 Object 数组(而不是 ResultSet 数组)返回。它具有以下含义:

    • 您不能使用底层 Object 数组来检索其父数组。

    • 所有底层数组都被视为 Object 数组(而不是 ResultSet)。

package com.vertica.jdbc.test.samples;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.Struct;

public class ComplexTypesArraySamples
     * Executes a query and gets a java.sql.Array from the ResultSet. It then uses the Array#getResultSet
     * method to get a ResultSet containing the contents of the array.
     * @param conn A Connection to a Vertica database
     * @throws SQLException
    public static void getArrayResultSetExample (Connection conn) throws SQLException {
        Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

        final String queryText = "SELECT ARRAY[ARRAY[1,2,3],ARRAY[4,5,6],ARRAY[7,8,9]]::ARRAY[ARRAY[INT]] as array";
        final String targetColumnName = "array";

        System.out.println ("queryText: " + queryText);
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryText);
        int targetColumnId = rs.findColumn (targetColumnName);

        while (rs.next ()) {
            Array currentSqlArray = rs.getArray (targetColumnId);
            ResultSet level1ResultSet = currentSqlArray.getResultSet();
            if (level1ResultSet != null) {
                while (level1ResultSet.next ()) {
                    // The first column of the result set holds the row index
                    int i = level1ResultSet.getInt(1) - 1;
                    Array level2SqlArray = level1ResultSet.getArray (2);
                    Object level2Object = level2SqlArray.getArray ();
                    // For this ARRAY[INT], the driver returns a Long[]
                    assert (level2Object instanceof Long[]);
                    Long [] level2Array = (Long [])level2Object;
                    System.out.println (" level1Object [" + i + "]: " + level2SqlArray.toString () + " (" + level2SqlArray.getClass() + ")");

                    for (int j = 0; j < level2Array.length; j++) {
                       System.out.println (" Value [" + i + ", " + j + "]: " + level2Array[j] + " (" + level2Array[j].getClass() + ")");

     * Executes a query and gets a java.sql.Array from the ResultSet. It then uses the Array#getArray
     * method to get the contents of the array as a Java Object [].
     * @param conn A Connection to a Vertica database
     * @throws SQLException
    public static void getArrayObjectExample (Connection conn) throws SQLException {
        Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

        final String queryText = "SELECT ARRAY[ARRAY[0.0,0.1,0.2],ARRAY[1.0,1.1,1.2],ARRAY[2.0,2.1,2.2]]::ARRAY[ARRAY[FLOAT]] as array";
        final String targetColumnName = "array";

        System.out.println ("queryText: " + queryText);
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryText);
        int targetColumnId = rs.findColumn (targetColumnName);

        while (rs.next ()) {
            // Get the java.sql.Array from the result set
            Array currentSqlArray = rs.getArray (targetColumnId);
            // Get the internal Java Object implementing the array
            Object level1ArrayObject = currentSqlArray.getArray ();
            if (level1ArrayObject != null) {
                // All returned instances are Object[]
                assert (level1ArrayObject instanceof Object[]);
                Object [] level1Array = (Object [])level1ArrayObject;
                System.out.println ("Vertica driver returned a: " + level1Array.getClass());

                for (int i = 0; i < level1Array.length; i++) {
                    Object level2Object = level1Array[i];
                    // For this ARRAY[FLOAT], the driver returns a Double[]
                    assert (level2Object instanceof Double[]);
                    Double [] level2Array = (Double [])level2Object;
                    for (int j = 0; j < level2Array.length; j++) {
                         System.out.println (" Value [" + i + ", " + j + "]: " + level2Array[j] + " (" + level2Array[j].getClass() + ")");

getArrayResultSetExample() 的输出显示 Vertica 列类型 ARRAY[INT] 强制转换为 Long[]

queryText: SELECT ARRAY[ARRAY[1,2,3],ARRAY[4,5,6],ARRAY[7,8,9]]::ARRAY[ARRAY[INT]] as array
 level1Object [0]: [1,2,3] (class com.vertica.jdbc.jdbc42.S42Array)
 Value [0, 0]: 1 (class java.lang.Long)
 Value [0, 1]: 2 (class java.lang.Long)
 Value [0, 2]: 3 (class java.lang.Long)
 level1Object [1]: [4,5,6] (class com.vertica.jdbc.jdbc42.S42Array)
 Value [1, 0]: 4 (class java.lang.Long)
 Value [1, 1]: 5 (class java.lang.Long)
 Value [1, 2]: 6 (class java.lang.Long)
 level1Object [2]: [7,8,9] (class com.vertica.jdbc.jdbc42.S42Array)
 Value [2, 0]: 7 (class java.lang.Long)
 Value [2, 1]: 8 (class java.lang.Long)
 Value [2, 2]: 9 (class java.lang.Long)

getArrayObjectExample() 的输出显示 Vertica 列类型 ARRAY[FLOAT] 强制转换为 Double[]

queryText: SELECT ARRAY[ARRAY[0.0,0.1,0.2],ARRAY[1.0,1.1,1.2],ARRAY[2.0,2.1,2.2]]::ARRAY[ARRAY[FLOAT]] as array
Vertica driver returned a: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
 Value [0, 0]: 0.0 (class java.lang.Double)
 Value [0, 1]: 0.1 (class java.lang.Double)
 Value [0, 2]: 0.2 (class java.lang.Double)
 Value [1, 0]: 1.0 (class java.lang.Double)
 Value [1, 1]: 1.1 (class java.lang.Double)
 Value [1, 2]: 1.2 (class java.lang.Double)
 Value [2, 0]: 2.0 (class java.lang.Double)
 Value [2, 1]: 2.1 (class java.lang.Double)
 Value [2, 2]: 2.2 (class java.lang.Double)


如果在包含 ROW 类型的列的 java.sql.ResultSet 上调用 getObject(),会将该列检索为 java.sql.Struct,其中包含 Object[](本身可通过 getAttributes() 检索)。

Object[] 的每个元素代表该结构中的一个属性,每个属性都有对应的 Java 类型,如上面的类型转换表所示。

此示例定义具有以下属性的 ROW:

 Name    | Value        | Vertica Type | Java Type
 name    | Amy          | VARCHAR      | String
 date    | '07/10/2021' | DATE         | java.sql.Date
 id      | 5            | INT          | java.lang.Long
 current | false        | BOOLEAN      | java.lang.Boolean
package com.vertica.jdbc.test.samples;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.Struct;

public class ComplexTypesSamples
     * Executes a query and gets a java.sql.Struct from the ResultSet. It then uses the Struct#getAttributes
     * method to get the contents of the struct as a Java Object [].
     * @param conn A Connection to a Vertica database
     * @throws SQLException
    public static void getRowExample (Connection conn) throws SQLException {
        Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

        final String queryText = "SELECT ROW('Amy', '07/10/2021'::Date, 5, false) as rowExample(name, date, id, current)";
        final String targetColumnName = "rowExample";

        System.out.println ("queryText: " + queryText);
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryText);
        int targetColumnId = rs.findColumn (targetColumnName);

        while (rs.next ()) {
            // Get the java.sql.Array from the result set
            Object currentObject = rs.getObject (targetColumnId);
            assert (currentObject instanceof Struct);
            Struct rowStruct = (Struct)currentObject;

            Object[] attributes = rowStruct.getAttributes();

            // attributes.length should be 4 based on the queryText
            assert (attributes.length == 4);
            assert (attributes[0] instanceof String);
            assert (attributes[1] instanceof java.sql.Date);
            assert (attributes[2] instanceof java.lang.Long);
            assert (attributes[3] instanceof java.lang.Boolean);

            System.out.println ("attributes[0]: " + attributes[0] + " (" + attributes[0].getClass().getName() +")");
            System.out.println ("attributes[1]: " + attributes[1] + " (" + attributes[1].getClass().getName() +")");
            System.out.println ("attributes[2]: " + attributes[2] + " (" + attributes[2].getClass().getName() +")");
            System.out.println ("attributes[3]: " + attributes[3] + " (" + attributes[3].getClass().getName() +")");

getRowExample() 的输出显示了每个元素的属性及其对应的 Java 类型:

queryText: SELECT ROW('Amy', '07/10/2021'::Date, 5, false) as rowExample(name, date, id, current)
attributes[0]: Amy (java.lang.String)
attributes[1]: 2021-07-10 (java.sql.Date)
attributes[2]: 5 (java.lang.Long)
attributes[3]: false (java.lang.Boolean)