static uint64 | accumulateNN (void *outBuf, const void *buf1, int nWords) |
| Add number on to a temporary No null handling Returns carry.
static uint64 | addNN (void *outBuf, const void *buf1, const void *buf2, int nWords) |
| Add together 2 numbers w/ same number of digits No null handling Returns carry.
static void | castNumeric (uint64 *wordso, int nwdso, Typemod typmodo, uint64 *wordsi, int nwdsi, Typemod typmodi) |
static void | castNumeric (uint64 *wordso, int nwdso, int32 numericattro, uint64 *wordsi, int nwdsi, int32 numericattri) |
static bool | checkOverflowNN (const void *po, int nwdso, Typemod typmodo) |
static bool | checkOverflowNN (const void *po, int nwo, int nwdso, Typemod typmodo) |
static bool | checkOverflowNN (const void *po, int nwdso, int32 numericattro) |
static bool | checkOverflowNN (const void *po, int nwo, int nwdso, int32 numericattro) |
static int | compareNN (const void *buf1, const void *buf2, int nWords) |
| Compare integers, return -1, 0, 1.
static long double | convertPosToFloatNN (const void *bbuf, int bwords) |
| Convert Numeric to a float helper function Input should not be negative / null.
static void | copy (void *buf, const void *src, int nWords) |
| cpoy nWords from src to buf
static uint64 | divUnsignedN1 (void *qbuf, int qw, int round, const void *ubuf, int uw, uint64 v) |
static void | divUnsignedNN (void *qbuf, int qw, int round, uint64 *rbuf, int rw, const void *ubuf, int uw, const void *vbuf, int vw) |
static void | fromIntNN (void *buf, int nWords, int64 val) |
| Load from 64-bit signed int (does not handle NULL inside)
static void | incrementNN (void *buf, int nWords) |
| Increment by 1.
static void | invertSign (void *buf, int nWords) |
| Invert the sign of a number, performed in place, using the invert and +1 method, turns out NULLs are OK in this sense.
static bool | isEqualNN (const void *buf1, const void *buf2, int nWords) |
| Check integers for equality. More...
static bool | isNeg (const void *buf, int nWords) |
| Check if integer is less than zero.
static bool | isNull (const void *buf, int nWords) |
| Check an integer for NULL.
static bool | isZero (const void *buf, int nWords) |
| Check an integer for 0. More...
static void | mulUnsignedN1 (void *obuf, const void *ubuf, int uw, uint64 v) |
| Multiply, unsigned only. uw words by 1 word -> uw+1 words Output array must be uw+1 words long; may not overlap inputs.
static void | mulUnsignedNN (void *obuf, const void *buf1, int nw1, const void *buf2, int nw2) |
| Multiply, unsigned only. Output array must be nw1+nw2 long; may not overlap inputs PERF NOTE: Operates like a school boy, could do Karatsuba (or better)
static void | numericDivide (const uint64 *pa, int nwdsa, Typemod typmoda, const uint64 *pb, int nwdsb, Typemod typmodb, uint64 *outNum, int nwdso, Typemod typmodo) |
| Divide Numerics Handles negative / null input.
static void | numericDivide (const uint64 *pa, int nwdsa, int32 numericattra, const uint64 *pb, int nwdsb, int32 numericattrb, uint64 *outNum, int nwdso, int32 numericattro) |
static void | numericMultiply (const uint64 *pa, int nwdsa, const uint64 *pb, int nwdsb, uint64 *outNum, int nwdso) |
| Multiply Numerics , result in outNum Handles negative / null input.
static void | NumericRescaleDown (uint64 *wordso, int nwdso, Typemod typmodo, uint64 *wordsi, int nwdsi, Typemod typmodi) |
static void | NumericRescaleDown (uint64 *wordso, int nwdso, int32 numericattro, uint64 *wordsi, int nwdsi, int32 numericattri) |
static void | NumericRescaleSameScaleSmallerPrec (uint64 *wordso, int nwdso, Typemod typmodo, uint64 *wordsi, int nwdsi, Typemod typmodi) |
static void | NumericRescaleSameScaleSmallerPrec (uint64 *wordso, int nwdso, int32 numericattro, uint64 *wordsi, int nwdsi, int32 numericattri) |
static void | NumericRescaleUp (uint64 *wordso, int nwdso, Typemod typmodo, uint64 *wordsi, int nwdsi, Typemod typmodi) |
static void | NumericRescaleUp (uint64 *wordso, int nwdso, int32 numericattro, uint64 *wordsi, int nwdsi, int32 numericattri) |
static ifloat | numericToFloat (const void *buf, int nwds, ifloat tenthtoscale) |
| Convert Numeric to a float Handles negative / null input. More...
static bool | rescaleNumeric (void *out, int ow, int pout, int sout, void *in, int iw, int pin, int sin) |
| Rescale a given numeric to a specific prec/scale/nwds The input should have minimal precision to avoid unnecessary overflow; for example, "0" should have precision 0 (as generated by charToNumeric). Accepts signed numerics. Will set its "in" argument to abs(in).
static bool | setFromFloat (void *bbuf, int bwords, Typemod typmod, long double value, bool round) |
| Convert floating point multiplied by 10^scale to an integer This truncates if round is false; otherwise the numeric result is rounded. More...
static bool | setFromFloat (void *bbuf, int bwords, int32 numericattr, long double value, bool round) |
static void | setNull (void *buf, int nWords) |
| Set an integer to NULL.
static void | setNumericBoundsFromType (uint64 *numUpperBound, uint64 *numLowerBound, int nwdso, Typemod typmod) |
static void | setNumericBoundsFromType (uint64 *numUpperBound, uint64 *numLowerBound, int nwdso, int32 numericattr) |
static void | setZero (void *buf, int nWords) |
| Set an integer to 0.
static void | shiftLeftNN (void *buf, unsigned nw, unsigned bitsToShift) |
| Shift a BigInt to the left (<<) by the given number of bits. The given BigInt must be positive and non-null.
static void | shiftRightNN (void *buf, unsigned nw, unsigned bitsToShift) |
| Shift a BigInt to the right (>>) by the given number of bits. The given BigInt must be positive and non-null.
static void | subNN (void *outBuf, const void *buf1, const void *buf2, int nWords) |
| Subtract 2 numbers w/ same number of digits No null handling.
static bool | toIntNN (int64 &out, const void *buf, int nWords) |
| Convert to int (return false if there was an overflow)
static int | ucompareNN (const void *buf1, const void *buf2, int nWords) |
static int | usedWordsUnsigned (const void *buf, int nWords) |
| Calculate number of words that are actually used to represent the value (amount left after stripping leading 0's)