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MATCH clause

A SQL extension that lets you screen large amounts of historical data in search of event patterns, the MATCH clause provides subclasses for analytic partitioning and ordering and matches rows from the result table based on a pattern you define.

A SQL extension that lets you screen large amounts of historical data in search of event patterns, the MATCH clause provides subclasses for analytic partitioning and ordering and matches rows from the result table based on a pattern you define.

You specify a pattern as a regular expression, which is composed of event types defined in the DEFINE subclause, where each event corresponds to a row in the input table. Then you can search for the pattern within a sequence of input events. Pattern matching returns the contiguous sequence of rows that conforms to PATTERN subclause. For example, pattern P (A B* C) consist of three event types: A, B, and C. When Vertica finds a match in the input table, the associated pattern instance must be an event of type A followed by 0 or more events of type B, and an event of type C.

Pattern matching is particularly useful for clickstream analysis where you might want to identify users' actions based on their Web browsing behavior (page clicks). For details, see Event series pattern matching.


MATCH ( [ PARTITION BY table-column ] ORDER BY table-column
    DEFINE event-name AS boolean-expr [,...]
    PATTERN pattern-name AS ( regexp)
    [ rows-match-clause ] )


Defines the window data scope in which the pattern, defined in the PATTERN subclause, is matched. The partition clause partitions the data by matched patterns defined in the PATTERN subclause. For each partition, data is sorted by the ORDER BY clause. If the partition clause is omitted, the entire data set is considered a single partition.
Defines the window data scope in which the pattern, defined in the PATTERN subclause, is matched. For each partition, the order clause specifies how the input data is ordered for pattern matching.
Defines the boolean expressions that make up the event types in the regular expressions. For example:
 Onsite   AS PageURL ILIKE     '' AND Action='V',
 Purchase AS PageURL ILIKE     '' AND Action='P'

The DEFINE subclause accepts a maximum of 52 events. See Event series pattern matching for examples.

Name of the event to evaluate for each row—in the earlier example, Entry, Onsite, Purchase.
Expression that returns true or false. boolean_expr can include Logical operators and relational (comparison) operators. For example:
Purchase AS PageURL ILIKE '' AND Action = 'P'
PATTERN pattern-name
Name of the pattern defined in the PATTERN subclause; for example, P is the pattern name defined below:

A PATTERN is a search pattern that is comprised of a name and a regular expression.

A regular expression comprised of event types defined in the DEFINE subclause and one or more quantifiers below. When Vertica evaluates the MATCH clause, the regular expression identifies the rows that meet the expression criteria.
  • *: Match 0 or more times

  • *?: Match 0 or more times, not greedily

  • +: Match 1 or more times

  • +?: Match 1 or more times, not greedily

  • ?: Match 0 or 1 time

  • ??: Match 0 or 1 time, not greedily

  • *+: Match 0 or more times, possessive

  • ++: Match 1 or more times, possessive

  • ?+: Match 0 or 1 time, possessive

  • |: Alternation. Matches expression before or after the vertical bar. Similar to a Boolean OR.

Specifies how to resolve more than one event evaluating to true for a single row, one of the following:
  • ROWS MATCH ALL EVENTS: If more than one event evaluates to true for a single row, Vertica returns this error :

    ERROR: pattern events must be mutually exclusive
  • ROWS MATCH FIRST EVENT: If more than one event evaluates to true for a given row, Vertica uses the first event in the SQL statement for that row.

Pattern semantic evaluation

  • The semantic evaluating ordering of the SQL clauses is: FROM -> WHERE -> PATTERN MATCH -> SELECT.

  • Data is partitioned as specified in the PARTITION BY clause. If the partition clause is omitted, the entire data set is considered a single partition.

  • For each partition, the order clause specifies how the input data is ordered for pattern matching.

  • Events are evaluated for each row. A row could have 0, 1, or N events evaluate to true. If more than one event evaluates to true for the same row, Vertica returns a run-time error unless you specify ROWS MATCH FIRST EVENT. If you specify ROWS MATCH FIRST EVENT and more than one event evaluates to TRUE for a single row, Vertica chooses the event that was defined first in the SQL statement to be the event it uses for the row.

  • Vertica performs pattern matching by finding the contiguous sequence of rows that conforms to the pattern defined in the PATTERN subclause.

For each match, Vertica outputs the rows that contribute to the match. Rows not part of the match (do not satisfy one or more predicates) are not output.

  • Vertica reports only non-overlapping matches. If an overlap occurs, Vertica chooses the first match found in the input stream. After finding the match, Vertica looks for the next match, starting at the end of the previous match.

  • Vertica reports the longest possible match, not a subset of a match. For example, consider pattern: AB with input: AAAB. Because A uses the greedy regular expression quantifier (), Vertica reports all A inputs (AAAB), not AAB, AB, or B.

Notes and restrictions

  • DISTINCT and GROUP BY/HAVING clauses are not allowed in pattern match queries.

  • The following expressions are not allowed in the DEFINE subclause:

    • Subqueries, such as DEFINE X AS c IN ELECT c FROM table

    • Analytic functions, such as DEFINE X AS c < LEA1) OVER (ORDER BY 1)

    • Aggregate functions, such as DEFINE X AS c < MA1)

  • You cannot use the same pattern name to define a different event; for example, the following is not allowed for X:

    DEFINE   X AS c1 <  3
      X AS c1  >= 3
  • Used with MATCH clause, Vertica MATCH clause functions provide additional data about the patterns it finds. For example, you can use the functions to return values representing the name of the event that matched the input row, the sequential number of the match, or a partition-wide unique identifier for the instance of the pattern that matched.


For examples, see Event series pattern matching.

See also

1 - Event series pattern matching

The SQL MATCH clause syntax lets you screen large amounts of historical data in search of event patterns.

The SQL MATCH clause syntax lets you screen large amounts of historical data in search of event patterns. You specify a pattern as a regular expression and can then search for the pattern within a sequence of input events. MATCH provides subclauses for analytic data partitioning and ordering, and the pattern matching occurs on a contiguous set of rows.

Pattern matching is particularly useful for clickstream analysis where you might want to identify users' actions based on their Web browsing behavior (page clicks). A typical online clickstream funnel is:

Company home page -> product home page -> search -> results -> purchase online

Using this clickstream funnel, you can search for a match on the user's sequence of web clicks and identify that user:

  • Landed on the company home page

  • Navigated to the product page

  • Ran a search

  • Clicked a link from the search results

  • Made a purchase

Clickstream funnel schema

The examples in this topic use this clickstream funnel and the following clickstream_log table schema:

=> CREATE TABLE clickstream_log (
  uid INT,             --user ID
  sid INT,             --browsing session ID, produced by previous sessionization computation
  ts TIME,             --timestamp that occurred during the user's page visit
  refURL VARCHAR(20),  --URL of the page referencing PageURL
  pageURL VARCHAR(20), --URL of the page being visited
  action CHAR(1)       --action the user took after visiting the page ('P' = Purchase, 'V' = View)

INSERT INTO clickstream_log VALUES (1,100,'12:00','','', 'V');
INSERT INTO clickstream_log VALUES (1,100,'12:01','','', 'V');
INSERT INTO clickstream_log VALUES (1,100,'12:02','','', 'V');
INSERT INTO clickstream_log values (1,100,'12:03','','', 'P');
INSERT INTO clickstream_log values (2,100,'12:10','','', 'V');
INSERT INTO clickstream_log values (2,100,'12:11','','', 'V');
INSERT INTO clickstream_log values (2,100,'12:13','','', 'P');

Here's the clickstream_log table's output:

=> SELECT * FROM clickstream_log;
 uid | sid |    ts    |        refURL        |       pageURL        | action
   1 | 100 | 12:00:00 |         |    | V
   1 | 100 | 12:01:00 |    |   | V
   1 | 100 | 12:02:00 |   | | V
   1 | 100 | 12:03:00 | |     | P
   2 | 100 | 12:10:00 |         |    | V
   2 | 100 | 12:11:00 |    |   | V
   2 | 100 | 12:13:00 |   |     | P
(7 rows)


This example includes the Vertica MATCH clause functions to analyze users' browsing history over It identifies patterns where the user performed the following tasks:

  • Landed on from another web site (Entry)

  • Browsed to any number of other pages (Onsite)

  • Made a purchase (Purchase)

In the following statement, pattern P (Entry Onsite* Purchase) consist of three event types: Entry, Onsite, and Purchase. When Vertica finds a match in the input table, the associated pattern instance must be an event of type Entry followed by 0 or more events of type Onsite, and an event of type Purchase

=> SELECT uid,
FROM clickstream_log
  (PARTITION BY uid, sid ORDER BY ts
     Entry    AS RefURL  NOT ILIKE '' AND PageURL ILIKE '',
     Onsite   AS PageURL ILIKE     '' AND Action='V',
     Purchase AS PageURL ILIKE     '' AND Action = 'P'
     P AS (Entry Onsite* Purchase)

In the output below, the first four rows represent the pattern for user 1's browsing activity, while the following three rows show user 2's browsing habits.

 uid | sid |    ts    |        refurl        |       pageurl        | action | event_name | pattern_id | match_id
   1 | 100 | 12:00:00 |         |    | V      | Entry      |          1 |        1
   1 | 100 | 12:01:00 |    |   | V      | Onsite     |          1 |        2
   1 | 100 | 12:02:00 |   | | V      | Onsite     |          1 |        3
   1 | 100 | 12:03:00 | |     | P      | Purchase   |          1 |        4
   2 | 100 | 12:10:00 |         |    | V      | Entry      |          1 |        1
   2 | 100 | 12:11:00 |    |   | V      | Onsite     |          1 |        2
   2 | 100 | 12:13:00 |   |     | P      | Purchase   |          1 |        3
(7 rows)

See also